package al /* #include #include */ import "C" import "unsafe" import "runtime" import "fmt" // Helper functions for working with C easier // Calls C malloc func malloc(size int) unsafe.Pointer { return (unsafe.Pointer(C.calloc(C.size_t(size), C.size_t(1)))) } // Calls C free func free(ptr unsafe.Pointer) { } // Allocates a string with the given byte length // don't forget a call to defer cstrFree() ! func cstrNew(size int) *C.char { return (*C.char)(malloc((size))) } // free is a method on C char * strings to method to free the associated memory func cstrFree(self *C.char) { free(unsafe.Pointer(self)) } // Coverts a string to a C string. This allocates memory, // so don't forget to add a "defer cstrFree(cstr)" func cstr(self string) *C.char { return C.CString(self) } // Shorthand for C.GoString. Yes, it's just laziness. :) func gostr(cstr *C.char) string { return C.GoString(cstr) } // Converts an int pointer to a pointer. func cintptr(ptr *int) * { return (* } /* // Converts a byte pointer to a C.Uchar8 pointer. func cbyteptr(ptr * uint8) (*C.Uint8) { return (*C.Uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) } */ // Converts ints to bools. func i2b(res int) bool { if res != 0 { return true } return false } // Converts bools to ints. func b2i(res bool) int { if res { return 1 } return 0 } // Interface for destructable objects type Destroyer interface { Destroy() } // Sets up a automatic finalizer for destructable objects // that will call Destroy using runtime.SetFinalizer // when the garbage collecter cleans up self. // self may also be nil in which case the destructor is NOT set up func SelfDestruct(self Destroyer) { if self == nil { return } clean := func(me Destroyer) { fmt.Printf("Finalizing %#v.\n", me) me.Destroy() } runtime.SetFinalizer(self, clean) } // this is too for laziness, but it's quite handy func cf(f float32) C.float { return C.float(f) } // this is too for laziness, but it's quite handy func ci(f int) { return } // this is too for laziness, but it's quite handy func cd(f float64) C.double { return C.double(f) } // Sometimes I need many floats.. func cf2(f1, f2 float32) (C.float, C.float) { return C.float(f1), C.float(f2) } // Sometimes I need many floats.. func cf3(f1, f2, f3 float32) (C.float, C.float, C.float) { return C.float(f1), C.float(f2), C.float(f3) } // this is too for laziness, but it's quite handy func cui16(f int) C.uint16_t { return C.uint16_t(f) } //Converts an array of C strings to a slice of Go strings func GoStrings(argc, argv **C.char) []string { length := int(argc) tmpslice := (*[1 << 30]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(argv))[:length:length] gostrings := make([]string, length) for i, s := range tmpslice { gostrings[i] = C.GoString(s) } return gostrings } //Converts an array of go strings to an array of C strings and a length func CStrings(args []string) (argc, argv **C.char) { length := len(args) argv = (**C.char)(malloc(length * int(unsafe.Sizeof(*argv)))) tmpslice := (*[1 << 30]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(argv))[:length:length] for i, s := range args { tmpslice[i] = cstr(s) } argc = return argc, argv } // frees the data allocated by Cstrings func CStringsFree(argc, argv **C.char) { length := int(argc) tmpslice := (*[1 << 30]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(argv))[:length:length] for _, s := range tmpslice { cstrFree(s) } free(unsafe.Pointer(argv)) } //Converts an array of go ints to an array of C ints and a length func CInts(args []int) (argc, argv * { length := len(args) argv = (* * int(unsafe.Sizeof(argv)))) tmpslice := (*[1 << 30][:length:length] for i, v := range args { tmpslice[i] = } argc = return argc, argv } // frees the data allocated by Cints func CIntsFree(argc, argv * { free(unsafe.Pointer(argv)) } //Converts an array of go float32 to an array of C float and a length func CFloats(args []float32) (argc, argv *C.float) { length := len(args) argv = (*C.float)(malloc(length * int(unsafe.Sizeof(*argv)))) tmpslice := (*[1 << 30]C.float)(unsafe.Pointer(argv))[:length:length] for i, v := range args { tmpslice[i] = C.float(v) } argc = return argc, argv } // frees the data allocated by Cints func CFloatsFree(argc, argv *C.float) { free(unsafe.Pointer(argv)) } /* This is the usual boilerplate for wrapping C types through a handle type XXX struct { handle * C.YYY } // Converts a zzz to it's underlying C pointer func (self * XXX) toC() *C.YYY { return (*C.YYY)(self.handle) } // Destroys the zzz. func (self *XXX) Destroy() { if self.handle != nil { C.al_destroy_zzz(self.toC()) } self.handle = nil } // Wraps a C zzz into a go zzz func wrapXXXRaw(data *C.YYY) *XXX { if data == nil { return nil } return &XXX{data} } // Sets up a finalizer for this XXX that calls Destroy() func (self *XXX) SetDestroyFinalizer() *XXX { if self != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(self, func(me *XXX) { me.Destroy() }) } return self } // Wraps a C zzz into a go zzz and sets up a finalizer that calls Destroy() func wrapXXX(data *C.YYY) *XXX { self := wrapXXXRaw(data) return self.SetDestroyFinalizer() } */