package al /* #cgo pkg-config: allegro-5 #cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lc_nonshared #include #include #include #include "helpers.h" #include "callbacks.h" */ import "C" import "unsafe" import "runtime" const PI = 3.14159265358979323846 // Allegro library ID calculation. func AL_ID(a, b, c, d int) int { return (((a) << 24) | ((b) << 16) | ((c) << 8) | (d)) } const ( VERSION = C.ALLEGRO_VERSION SUB_VERSION = C.ALLEGRO_SUB_VERSION WIP_VERSION = C.ALLEGRO_WIP_VERSION UNSTABLE_BIT = 0 RELEASE_NUMBER = C.ALLEGRO_RELEASE_NUMBER VERSION_STR = C.ALLEGRO_VERSION_STR DATE_STR = C.ALLEGRO_DATE_STR VERSION_INT = ((VERSION << 24) | (SUB_VERSION << 16) | (WIP_VERSION << 8) | RELEASE_NUMBER | UNSTABLE_BIT) ) // Converts bool to Allegro's C.bool func b2cb(res bool) C.bool { if res { return C.bool(true) } return C.bool(false) } // Memory allocation, use this in stead of malloc for allegro stuff func alMalloc(size uint) unsafe.Pointer { return C.al_malloc_with_context(C.size_t(size), 0, nil, nil) } // Memory allocation, use this in stead of calloc for allegro stuff func alCalloc(size, n uint) unsafe.Pointer { return C.al_calloc_with_context(C.size_t(size), C.size_t(n), 0, nil, nil) } // Free memory, use this in stead of free for allegro stuff func alFree(ptr unsafe.Pointer) { C.al_free_with_context(ptr, 0, nil, nil) } // Converts C.bool to Allegro's C.bool func cb2b(res C.bool) bool { if res { return true } return false } // Checks if the basic Allegro system is installed or not. func IsSystemInstalled() bool { return bool(C.al_is_system_installed()) } // Gets the raw version of Allegro linked to as an integer. func GetAllegroVersion() uint32 { return uint32(C.al_get_allegro_version()) } // Initializes the Allegro system. func Initialize() bool { return bool(C.al_install_system(VERSION_INT, nil)) // return bool(C.algo_initialize()) } // Cleans up the Allegro system. Needed after calling Initialize. func Cleanup() { C.al_uninstall_system() } // Installs the Allegro system. func InstallSystem() bool { return bool(C.al_install_system(VERSION_INT, nil)) } // Uninstalls the Allegro system. Must be called after using InstallSystem. func UninstallSystem() { C.al_uninstall_system() } // allegro5/path.h // Wrapper for an Allegro path. type Path struct { handle *C.ALLEGRO_PATH } // Wraps an Allegro path into the go struct above, but does not set a finalizer func wrapPathRaw(handle *C.ALLEGRO_PATH) *Path { if handle == nil { return nil } return &Path{handle} } // Wraps an Allegro path into the go struct above, and sets the finalizer // to be the struct's Destroy method func wrapPath(handle *C.ALLEGRO_PATH) *Path { result := wrapPathRaw(handle) if result != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(result, func(me *Path) { me.Destroy() }) } return result } // Creates an Allegro path. func CreatePath(str string) *Path { cstr := cstr(str) defer cstrFree(cstr) return wrapPath(C.al_create_path(cstr)) } // Creates an allegro path for a directory. func CreatePathForDirectory(str string) *Path { cstr := cstr(str) defer cstrFree(cstr) return wrapPath(C.al_create_path_for_directory(cstr)) } // Clones an allegro path. func (self *Path) ClonePath() *Path { return wrapPath(C.al_clone_path(self.handle)) } // Destroys an Allegro path. It may not be used after this. // Destroy may be called many times. func (self *Path) Destroy() { if self.handle != nil { C.al_destroy_path(self.handle) } self.handle = nil } // Gets amount of components of the path name func (self *Path) GetPathNumComponents() int { return int(C.al_get_path_num_components(self.handle)) } // converst the allegro path to a string func (self *Path) String() string { return gostr(C.al_path_cstr(self.handle, C.char(NATIVE_PATH_SEP))) } /* func (self * Path) AL_FUNC(int, al_get_path_num_components, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(const char*, al_get_path_component, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path, int i)); AL_FUNC(void, al_replace_path_component, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, int i, const char *s)); AL_FUNC(void, al_remove_path_component, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, int i)); AL_FUNC(void, al_insert_path_component, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, int i, const char *s)); AL_FUNC(const char*, al_get_path_tail, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(void, al_drop_path_tail, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(void, al_append_path_component, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, const char *s)); AL_FUNC(bool, al_join_paths, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, const ALLEGRO_PATH *tail)); AL_FUNC(bool, al_rebase_path, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *head, ALLEGRO_PATH *tail)); AL_FUNC(const char*, al_path_cstr, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path, char delim)); AL_FUNC(void, al_destroy_path, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(void, al_set_path_drive, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, const char *drive)); AL_FUNC(const char*, al_get_path_drive, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(void, al_set_path_filename, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, const char *filename)); AL_FUNC(const char*, al_get_path_filename, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(const char*, al_get_path_extension, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(bool, al_set_path_extension, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path, char const *extension)); AL_FUNC(const char*, al_get_path_basename, (const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); AL_FUNC(bool, al_make_path_canonical, (ALLEGRO_PATH *path)); // defer */ // Not wrapped yet: // AL_FUNC(SYSTEM *, al_get_system_driver, (void)); const ( RESOURCES_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH TEMP_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_TEMP_PATH USER_DATA_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_USER_DATA_PATH USER_HOME_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_USER_HOME_PATH USER_SETTINGS_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_USER_SETTINGS_PATH USER_DOCUMENTS_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_USER_DOCUMENTS_PATH EXENAME_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_EXENAME_PATH LAST_PATH = C.ALLEGRO_LAST_PATH ) // Gets a standard path location. func GetStandardPath(id int) *Path { return wrapPath(C.al_get_standard_path( } // Sets the name of the executable. func SetExeName(name string) { C.al_set_exe_name(cstr(name)) } // Sets the name of the organisation. func SetOrgName(name string) { C.al_set_org_name(cstr(name)) } // Sets the name of the app. func SetAppName(name string) { C.al_set_app_name(cstr(name)) } // Gets the name of the organisation func GetOrgName() string { return gostr(C.al_get_org_name()) } // Sets the name of the app func GetAppName() string { return gostr(C.al_get_app_name()) } // Inibits the screensaver, or not debending on inhibit. func InhibitScreensaver(inhibit bool) bool { return bool(C.al_inhibit_screensaver(C.bool(inhibit))) } // Might be needed on OSX. func RunMain(args []string, callback RunMainCallback, data interface{}) int { runMain.fn = callback = data argc, argv := CStrings(args) ; defer CStringsFree(argc, argv) return int(C.al_run_main(argc, argv, (*[0]byte)(C.go_run_main_callback))) } /** Allegro has it's own string type. While it's nice, it's not needed in Go, so I will just wrap the basic conversion functions. */ type USTR struct { handle *C.ALLEGRO_USTR } // Frees an Allegro unicode string. func (self *USTR) Free() { if self.handle != nil { C.al_ustr_free(self.handle) } self.handle = nil } // Just for consistency and to allow SelfDestruuct to work func (self *USTR) Destroy() { self.Free() } // Converts an Allegro Unicode string to a Go string func (self *USTR) String() string { if self.handle == nil { return "" } return C.GoStringN(C.al_cstr(self.handle), } // Wraps an Allegro USTR into the go struct above, but does not set a finalizer func wrapUSTRRaw(handle *C.ALLEGRO_USTR) *USTR { if handle == nil { return nil } return &USTR{handle} } // Wraps an Allegro path into the go struct above, and sets the finalizer to // be the Destroy method of that struct. func wrapUSTR(handle *C.ALLEGRO_USTR) *USTR { result := wrapUSTRRaw(handle) if result != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(result, func(me *USTR) { me.Destroy() }) } return result } // Converts a go string to an Allegro Unicode string func USTRV(str string) *USTR { cstr := cstr(str) defer cstrFree(cstr) return wrapUSTR(C.al_ustr_new(cstr)) } // Converts a go string to an Allegro Unicode string func USTRP(str *string) *USTR { return USTRV(*str) } // Allegro's timer functions // Gets the time since allegro was initialized in seconds func Time() float64 { return float64(C.al_get_time()) } // Sleeps the given amount of seconds func Rest(seconds float64) { C.al_rest(C.double(seconds)) } type Timeout = C.ALLEGRO_TIMEOUT func (tout * Timeout) Init(seconds float64) { C.al_init_timeout(tout, C.double(seconds)) } func (tout * Timeout) toC() (* C.ALLEGRO_TIMEOUT) { return (* C.ALLEGRO_TIMEOUT)(tout) } // Precise (?) Timer type Timer struct { handle *C.ALLEGRO_TIMER } // Destroys the timer queue. func (self *Timer) Destroy() { if self.handle != nil { C.al_destroy_timer(self.handle) } self.handle = nil } // Wraps a timer, but does not set a finalizer. func wrapTimerRaw(handle *C.ALLEGRO_TIMER) *Timer { if handle == nil { return nil } return &Timer{handle} } // Wraps an event queue and sets a finalizer that calls Destroy func wrapTimer(handle *C.ALLEGRO_TIMER) *Timer { result := wrapTimerRaw(handle) if result != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(result, func(me *Timer) { me.Destroy() }) } return result } // Creates a timer with the given tick speed. func CreateTimer(speed_secs float64) *Timer { return wrapTimer(C.al_create_timer(C.double(speed_secs))) } // Starts the timer. func (self *Timer) Start() { C.al_start_timer(self.handle) } // Stops the timer. func (self *Timer) Stop() { C.al_stop_timer(self.handle) } // Returns true if the timer was started, false if not func (self *Timer) IsStarted() bool { return bool(C.al_get_timer_started(self.handle)) } // Sets the speed of the timer. func (self *Timer) SetSpeed(speed_secs float64) { C.al_set_timer_speed(self.handle, C.double(speed_secs)) } // Gets the speed of the timer. func (self *Timer) GetSpeed() float64 { return float64(C.al_get_timer_speed(self.handle)) } // Gets the count (in ticks) of the timer func (self *Timer) GetCount() int { return int(C.al_get_timer_count(self.handle)) } // Sets the count (in ticks) of the timer func (self *Timer) SetCount(count int) { C.al_set_timer_count(self.handle, C.int64_t(count)) } // Adds to the count (in ticks) of the timer func (self *Timer) AddCount(count int) { C.al_add_timer_count(self.handle, C.int64_t(count)) } // Gets the event source of this timer that can be registered // on an event queue with RegisterEventSource. func (self *Timer) GetEventSource() *EventSource { return (*EventSource)(C.al_get_timer_event_source(self.handle)) } // Do nothing function for benchmarking only func DoNothing() { } // Returns Allehro's error number func Errno() int { return int(C.al_get_errno()) }