package al /* #cgo pkg-config: allegro-5 #cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lc_nonshared #include #include #include #include "helpers.h" */ import "C" import "unsafe" import "runtime" // EventUnion Type, not to avoid complications. // type EVENT_TYPE C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_TYPE // EventUnion Type constants const ( EVENT_JOYSTICK_AXIS = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_AXIS EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_DOWN = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_DOWN EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_UP = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_UP EVENT_JOYSTICK_CONFIGURATION = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_CONFIGURATION EVENT_KEY_DOWN = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN EVENT_KEY_CHAR = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_CHAR EVENT_KEY_UP = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP EVENT_MOUSE_AXES = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER_DISPLAY = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER_DISPLAY EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE_DISPLAY = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE_DISPLAY EVENT_MOUSE_WARPED = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_WARPED EVENT_TIMER = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER EVENT_DISPLAY_EXPOSE = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_EXPOSE EVENT_DISPLAY_RESIZE = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_RESIZE EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE EVENT_DISPLAY_LOST = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_LOST EVENT_DISPLAY_FOUND = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_FOUND EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_IN = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_IN EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_OUT = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_OUT EVENT_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION EVENT_TOUCH_BEGIN = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_BEGIN EVENT_TOUCH_END = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_END EVENT_TOUCH_MOVE = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_MOVE EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL EVENT_DISPLAY_CONNECTED = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CONNECTED EVENT_DISPLAY_DISCONNECTED = C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_DISCONNECTED ) func EVENT_TYPE_IS_USER(t int) bool { return ((t) >= 512) } func GET_EVENT_TYPE(a, b, c, d int) int { return AL_ID(a, b, c, d) } func getAnyEvenTimestamp(any *C.ALLEGRO_ANY_EVENT) float64 { return float64(any.timestamp) } // Wrapper interface for different event sources type EventSourcer interface { EventSource() * EventSource } func (disp * Display) EventSource() * EventSource { return (*EventSource)(unsafe.Pointer(disp)) } func (joy * Joystick) EventSource() * EventSource { return (*EventSource)(unsafe.Pointer(joy)) } func (key * Keyboard) EventSource() * EventSource { return (*EventSource)(unsafe.Pointer(key)) } func (mouse * Mouse) EventSource() * EventSource { return (*EventSource)(unsafe.Pointer(mouse)) } func (touch * TouchInput) EventSource() * EventSource { return (*EventSource)(unsafe.Pointer(touch)) } func (timer * Timer) EventSource() * EventSource { return (*EventSource)(unsafe.Pointer(timer)) } func (es * EventSource) EventSource() * EventSource { return es } // Event sources that emit events. type EventSource C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE // Wraps an event source pointer but sets no finalizer (not needed anyway) func wrapEventSourceRaw(ptr *C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE) *EventSource { return (*EventSource)(ptr) } // Converts wrapper EventUnion source pointer to C Allegro event source pointer func (self *EventSource) toC() *C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE { return (*C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE)(self) } // Events that the event system emits. type EventUnion C.ALLEGRO_EVENT // use an EventUnion interface to wrap the // C union's members in type Event interface { Type() int Source() EventSourcer Timestamp() float64 } type AnyEvent C.ALLEGRO_ANY_EVENT type DisplayEvent C.ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_EVENT type JoystickEvent C.ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK_EVENT type KeyboardEvent C.ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_EVENT type MouseEvent C.ALLEGRO_MOUSE_EVENT type TimerEvent C.ALLEGRO_TIMER_EVENT type TouchEvent C.ALLEGRO_TOUCH_EVENT type UserEvent C.ALLEGRO_USER_EVENT // Converts wrapper EventUnion pointer to C Allegro event pointer func (self *EventUnion) toC() *C.ALLEGRO_EVENT { return (*C.ALLEGRO_EVENT)(self) } // Returns an unsafe pointer to the event func (self *EventUnion) toPointer() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(self.toC()) } // Converts wrapper EventUnion pointer to an EventUnion interface struct func (evun *EventUnion) Event() Event { ae := (*C.ALLEGRO_ANY_EVENT)(evun.toPointer()) switch ( { case EVENT_JOYSTICK_AXIS : fallthrough case EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_DOWN : fallthrough case EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_UP : fallthrough case EVENT_JOYSTICK_CONFIGURATION : return (*JoystickEvent)(evun.toPointer()) case EVENT_KEY_CHAR : fallthrough case EVENT_KEY_DOWN : fallthrough case EVENT_KEY_UP : return (*KeyboardEvent)(evun.toPointer()) case EVENT_MOUSE_AXES : fallthrough case EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN : fallthrough case EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP : fallthrough case EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER_DISPLAY : fallthrough case EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE_DISPLAY : fallthrough case EVENT_MOUSE_WARPED : return (*MouseEvent)(evun.toPointer()) case EVENT_TIMER : return (*TimerEvent)(evun.toPointer()) case EVENT_DISPLAY_EXPOSE : fallthrough case EVENT_DISPLAY_RESIZE : fallthrough case EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE : fallthrough case EVENT_DISPLAY_LOST : fallthrough case EVENT_DISPLAY_FOUND : fallthrough case EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_IN : fallthrough case EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_OUT : fallthrough case EVENT_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION : return (*DisplayEvent)(evun.toPointer()) default: break } if EVENT_TYPE_IS_USER(int(ae._type)) { return (*UserEvent)(evun.toPointer()) } return (*AnyEvent)(evun.toPointer()) } /* These wrappers implement the interface Event for all event types */ func (ev AnyEvent ) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev DisplayEvent ) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev JoystickEvent) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev KeyboardEvent) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev MouseEvent ) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev TimerEvent ) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev TouchEvent ) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev UserEvent ) Type() int { return int(ev._type); } func (ev AnyEvent ) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapEventSourceRaw (ev.source); } func (ev DisplayEvent ) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapDisplayRaw (ev.source); } func (ev JoystickEvent) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapJoystickRaw (ev.source); } func (ev KeyboardEvent) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapKeyboardRaw (ev.source); } func (ev MouseEvent ) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapMouseRaw (ev.source); } func (ev TimerEvent ) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapTimerRaw (ev.source); } func (ev TouchEvent ) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapTouchInputRaw (ev.source); } func (ev UserEvent ) Source() EventSourcer { return wrapEventSourceRaw (ev.source); } func (ev AnyEvent ) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (ev DisplayEvent ) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (ev JoystickEvent) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (ev KeyboardEvent) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (ev MouseEvent ) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (ev TimerEvent ) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (ev TouchEvent ) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (ev UserEvent ) Timestamp() float64 { return float64(ev.timestamp); } func (eu * EventUnion) AnyEvent () *AnyEvent { return (*AnyEvent )(eu.toPointer()); } func (eu * EventUnion) DisplayEvent () *DisplayEvent { if !eu.IsDisplayEvent () { return nil; } else { return (*DisplayEvent )(eu.toPointer());}; } func (eu * EventUnion) JoystickEvent() *JoystickEvent { if !eu.IsJoystickEvent() { return nil; } else { return (*JoystickEvent)(eu.toPointer());}; } func (eu * EventUnion) KeyboardEvent() *KeyboardEvent { if !eu.IsKeyboardEvent() { return nil; } else { return (*KeyboardEvent)(eu.toPointer());}; } func (eu * EventUnion) MouseEvent () *MouseEvent { if !eu.IsMouseEvent () { return nil; } else { return (*MouseEvent )(eu.toPointer());}; } func (eu * EventUnion) TimerEvent () *TimerEvent { if !eu.IsTimerEvent () { return nil; } else { return (*TimerEvent )(eu.toPointer());}; } func (eu * EventUnion) TouchEvent () *TouchEvent { if !eu.IsTouchEvent () { return nil; } else { return (*TouchEvent )(eu.toPointer());}; } func (eu * EventUnion) UserEvent () *UserEvent { if !eu.IsUserEvent () { return nil; } else { return (*UserEvent )(eu.toPointer());}; } // Returns the type of the event. func (self *EventUnion) Type() int { return self.AnyEvent().Type() } // Returns the timestamp of the event. func (self *EventUnion) Timestamp() float64 { return self.AnyEvent().Timestamp() } // Returns the event source of the event func (self *EventUnion) Source() EventSourcer { return self.AnyEvent().Source() } // Returns true if this is a dispay event, false if not. func (self *EventUnion) IsDisplayEvent() bool { t := self.Type() return ((t >= EVENT_DISPLAY_EXPOSE) && (t <= EVENT_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION) || ((t>= EVENT_DISPLAY_CONNECTED) && (t<= EVENT_DISPLAY_DISCONNECTED) )) } // Returns true if this is a mouse event, false if not. func (self *EventUnion) IsMouseEvent() bool { t := self.Type() return (t >= EVENT_MOUSE_AXES) && (t <= EVENT_MOUSE_WARPED) } // Returns true if this is a Joystick event, false if not. func (self *EventUnion) IsJoystickEvent() bool { t := self.Type() return (t >= EVENT_JOYSTICK_AXIS) && (t <= EVENT_JOYSTICK_CONFIGURATION) } // Returns true if this is a keyboard event, false if not. func (self *EventUnion) IsKeyboardEvent() bool { t := self.Type() return (t >= EVENT_KEY_DOWN) && (t <= EVENT_KEY_UP) } // Returns true if this is a keyboard event, false if not. func (self *EventUnion) IsTouchEvent() bool { t := self.Type() return (t >= EVENT_TOUCH_BEGIN) && (t <= EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL) } // Returns true if this is a timer event, false if not. func (self *EventUnion) IsTimerEvent() bool { t := self.Type() return (t == EVENT_TIMER) } // Returns true if this is a user event, false if not. func (self *EventUnion) IsUserEvent() bool { t := self.Type() return EVENT_TYPE_IS_USER(t) } // Returns the X position of the display event. func (de DisplayEvent) X() int { return int(de.x) } // Returns the Y position of the display event. func (de DisplayEvent) Y() int { return int(de.y) } // Returns the width of the display event. func (de DisplayEvent) Width() int { return int(de.width) } // Returns the height of the display event. func (de DisplayEvent) Height() int { return int(de.height) } // Returns the orientation of the display event. func (de DisplayEvent) Orientation() int { return int(de.orientation) } // Returns the stick number of the joystick event. func (je JoystickEvent) Stick() int { return int(je.stick) } // Returns the axis number of the joystick event. func (je JoystickEvent) Axis() int { return int(je.axis) } // Returns the button number of the joystick event. func (je JoystickEvent) Button() int { return int(je.button) } // Returns the position of the joystick event. func (je JoystickEvent) Pos() int { return int(je.pos) } // Returns the display that has emitted the keyboard event. func (ke KeyboardEvent) Display() *Display { return wrapDisplayRaw(ke.display) } // Returns the key code of the keyboard event. func (ke KeyboardEvent) Keycode() int { return int(ke.keycode) } // Returns the unicode character of the keyboard event. func (ke KeyboardEvent) Unichar() rune { return rune(ke.unichar) } // Returns the modifiers of the keyboard event. func (ke KeyboardEvent) Modifiers() int { return int(ke.modifiers) } // Returns is the keyboard event was automatically repeated or not. func (ke KeyboardEvent) Repeat() bool { return bool(ke.repeat) } // Returns the X position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) X() int { return int(me.x) } // Returns the Y position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) Y() int { return int(me.y) } // Returns the Z position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) Z() int { return int(me.z) } // Returns the W position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) W() int { return int(me.w) } // Returns the delta of the X position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) DX() int { return int(me.dx) } // Returns the delta of the Y position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) DY() int { return int(me.dy) } // Returns the delta of the Z position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) DZ() int { return int( } // Returns the delta of the W position of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) DW() int { return int(me.dw) } // Returns the button of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) Button() int { return int(me.button) } // Returns the pressure of the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) Pressure() float32 { return float32(me.pressure) } // Returns the display that has emitted the mouse event. func (me MouseEvent) Display() *Display { return wrapDisplayRaw(me.display) } // Returns the error of the timer event. func (te TimerEvent) Error() float64 { return float64(te.error) } // Returns the ticks of the timer event. func (te TimerEvent) Count() int64 { return int64(te.count) } // Returns the X position of the touch input event. func (te TouchEvent) X() int { return int(te.x) } // Returns the Y position of the touch input event. func (te TouchEvent) Y() int { return int(te.y) } // Returns the ID of the touch input event. func (te TouchEvent) ID() int { return int( } // Returns whether the touch input event is primary or not. func (te TouchEvent) Primary() bool { return bool(te.primary) } // Returns the delta of the X position of the touch input event. func (te TouchEvent) DX() int { return int(te.dx) } // Returns the delta of the Y position of the touch input event. func (te TouchEvent) DY() int { return int(te.dy) } /* The safest way to use user events from GO is to use integer handles * as offsets into a GO-allocated map. */ func (ue UserEvent) Data1Pointer() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ue.data1));} func (ue UserEvent) Data1Integer() int64 { return int64(ue.data1); } func (ue UserEvent) Data2Pointer() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ue.data2));} func (ue UserEvent) Data2Integer() int64 { return int64(ue.data2); } func (ue UserEvent) Data3Pointer() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ue.data3));} func (ue UserEvent) Data3Integer() int64 { return int64(ue.data3); } func (ue UserEvent) Data4Pointer() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ue.data4));} func (ue UserEvent) Data4Integer() int64 { return int64(ue.data4); } func (ue UserEvent) SetData1Integer(v int64) { ue.data1 = C.intptr_t(v); } func (ue UserEvent) SetData2Integer(v int64) { ue.data2 = C.intptr_t(v); } func (ue UserEvent) SetData3Integer(v int64) { ue.data3 = C.intptr_t(v); } func (ue UserEvent) SetData4Integer(v int64) { ue.data4 = C.intptr_t(v); } /* The compiler accept this, but it's unlikely to work correctly. func (ue UserEvent) Data1() interface{} { return (interface{})(ue.Data1Pointer());} func (ue UserEvent) Data2() interface{} { return (interface{})(ue.Data2Pointer());} func (ue UserEvent) Data3() interface{} { return (interface{})(ue.Data3Pointer());} func (ue UserEvent) Data4() interface{} { return (interface{})(ue.Data4Pointer());} */ // Event queues. type EventQueue struct { handle *C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE } // Destroys the event queue. func (self *EventQueue) Destroy() { if self.handle != nil { C.al_destroy_event_queue(self.handle) } self.handle = nil } // Wraps an event queue, but does not set a finalizer. func wrapEventQueueRaw(handle *C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE) *EventQueue { if handle == nil { return nil } return &EventQueue{handle} } func (eq * EventQueue) toC() (handle *C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE) { return eq.handle } // Wraps an event queue and sets a finalizer that calls Destroy func wrapEventQueue(handle *C.ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE) *EventQueue { result := wrapEventQueueRaw(handle) if result != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(result, func(me *EventQueue) { me.Destroy() }) } return result } // Create an event queue. func CreateEventQueue() *EventQueue { return wrapEventQueue(C.al_create_event_queue()) } // Register an event source with self. func (self *EventQueue) RegisterEventSource(src *EventSource) { C.al_register_event_source(self.handle, src.toC()) } // Unregister an event source with self. func (self *EventQueue) UnregisterEventSource(src *EventSource) { C.al_unregister_event_source(self.handle, src.toC()) } // Returns true if the event queue self is empty, false if not. func (self *EventQueue) IsEmpty() bool { return bool(C.al_is_event_queue_empty(self.handle)) } // Returns the next event from the event queue as well as a bool // to signify if an event was fetched sucessfully or not. func (self *EventQueue) GetNextEvent() (event *EventUnion, ok bool) { event = &EventUnion{} ok = bool(C.al_get_next_event(self.handle, event.toC())) return event, ok } // Peeks at the next event in the event queue and returns it as well as a bool // to signify if an event was fetched sucessfully or not. func (self *EventQueue) PeekNextEvent() (event *EventUnion, ok bool) { event = &EventUnion{} ok = bool(C.al_peek_next_event(self.handle, event.toC())) return event, ok } // Drops the next event from the event queue func (self *EventQueue) DropNextEvent() bool { return bool(C.al_drop_next_event(self.handle)) } // Flushes the event queue func (self *EventQueue) Flush() { C.al_flush_event_queue(self.handle) } // Waits for the next event from the event queue func (self *EventQueue) WaitForEvent() (event *EventUnion) { event = &EventUnion{} C.al_wait_for_event(self.handle, event.toC()) return event } // Waits for secs seconds the next event from the event queue func (self *EventQueue) WaitForEventTimed(secs float32) (event *EventUnion, ok bool) { event = &EventUnion{} ok = bool(C.al_wait_for_event_timed(self.handle, event.toC(), C.float(secs))) return event, ok } func (queue *EventQueue) WaitForEventUntil(timeout * Timeout) (event *EventUnion, ok bool) { event = &EventUnion{} ok = bool(C.al_wait_for_event_until(queue.toC(), event.toC(), timeout.toC())) return event, ok }