// acodec package al /* #cgo pkg-config: allegro_primitives-5 #cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lc_nonshared #include #include #include #include "helpers.h" */ import "C" import "runtime" import "unsafe" type PrimType C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_TYPE const ( PRIM_LINE_LIST = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LIST) PRIM_LINE_STRIP = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_STRIP) PRIM_LINE_LOOP = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LOOP) PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST) PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP) PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN) PRIM_POINT_LIST = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST) PRIM_NUM_TYPES = PrimType(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_NUM_TYPES) ) const PRIM_MAX_USER_ATTR = C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_MAX_USER_ATTR type PrimAttr C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_ATTR const ( PRIM_POSITION = PrimAttr(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_POSITION) PRIM_COLOR_ATTR = PrimAttr(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_COLOR_ATTR) PRIM_TEX_COORD = PrimAttr(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_TEX_COORD) PRIM_TEX_COORD_PIXEL = PrimAttr(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_TEX_COORD_PIXEL) PRIM_USER_ATTR = PrimAttr(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_USER_ATTR) PRIM_ATTR_NUM = PrimAttr(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_ATTR_NUM) ) type PrimStorage C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_STORAGE const ( PRIM_FLOAT_2 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_FLOAT_2) PRIM_FLOAT_3 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_FLOAT_3) PRIM_SHORT_2 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_SHORT_2) PRIM_FLOAT_1 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_FLOAT_1) PRIM_FLOAT_4 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_FLOAT_4) PRIM_UBYTE_4 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_UBYTE_4) PRIM_SHORT_4 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_SHORT_4) PRIM_NORMALIZED_UBYTE_4 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_NORMALIZED_UBYTE_4) PRIM_NORMALIZED_SHORT_2 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_NORMALIZED_SHORT_2) PRIM_NORMALIZED_SHORT_4 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_NORMALIZED_SHORT_4) PRIM_NORMALIZED_USHORT_2 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_NORMALIZED_USHORT_2) PRIM_NORMALIZED_USHORT_4 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_NORMALIZED_USHORT_4) PRIM_HALF_FLOAT_2 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_HALF_FLOAT_2) PRIM_HALF_FLOAT_4 = PrimStorage(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_HALF_FLOAT_4) ) type LineJoin C.ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN const( LINE_JOIN_NONE = LineJoin(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN_NONE) LINE_JOIN_BEVEL = LineJoin(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL) LINE_JOIN_ROUND = LineJoin(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND) LINE_JOIN_MITER = LineJoin(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER) LINE_JOIN_MITRE = LineJoin(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN_MITRE) ) type LineCap C.ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP const( LINE_CAP_NONE = LineCap(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP_NONE) LINE_CAP_SQUARE = LineCap(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE) LINE_CAP_ROUND = LineCap(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND) LINE_CAP_TRIANGLE = LineCap(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP_TRIANGLE) LINE_CAP_CLOSED = LineCap(C.ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP_CLOSED) ) type PrimBufferFlags C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_BUFFER_FLAGS const ( PRIM_BUFFER_STREAM = PrimBufferFlags(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_BUFFER_STREAM) PRIM_BUFFER_STATIC = PrimBufferFlags(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_BUFFER_STATIC) PRIM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC = PrimBufferFlags(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC) PRIM_BUFFER_READWRITE = PrimBufferFlags(C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_BUFFER_READWRITE) ) const VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE = C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE const PRIM_QUALITY = C.ALLEGRO_PRIM_QUALITY type VertexElement = C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_ELEMENT // Convert from C func wrapVertexElement(elem C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_ELEMENT) VertexElement { return VertexElement(elem) } // Convert to C func (elem VertexElement) toC() C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_ELEMENT { return C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_ELEMENT(elem) } // Convert to C func (elem * VertexElement) toCPointer() * C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_ELEMENT { return (* C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_ELEMENT)(elem) } func (elem * VertexElement) Attribute() PrimAttr { return PrimAttr(elem.toC().attribute) } func (elem * VertexElement) Storage() PrimStorage { return PrimStorage(elem.toC().storage) } func (elem * VertexElement) Offset() int { return int(elem.toC().offset) } func (elem * VertexElement) SetAttribute(attribute PrimAttr) { // celem := elem.toC() elem.attribute = C.int(attribute) } func (elem * VertexElement) SetStorage(storage PrimStorage) { elem.storage = C.int(storage) } func (elem * VertexElement) SetOffset(offset int) { elem.offset = C.int(offset) } func NewVertexElement(attr PrimAttr, store PrimStorage, offset int) *VertexElement { res := new(VertexElement) res.SetAttribute(attr) res.SetStorage(store) res.SetOffset(offset) return res } type VertexDecl struct { handle * C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL } // returns low level handle for the vertex declaration func (vd *VertexDecl) toC() * C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL { return vd.handle } // Wraps a C Allegro vertex declaration into a VertexDecl Sets no finalizer. func wrapVertexDeclRaw(handle *C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL) *VertexDecl { if handle == nil { return nil } return &VertexDecl{handle} } // Wraps a C Allegro vertex declaration. Sets a finalizer that calls Destroy. func wrapVertexDecl(handle *C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL) *VertexDecl { vd := wrapVertexDeclRaw(handle) if vd != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(vd, func(me * VertexDecl) { me.Destroy() }) } return vd } func CreateVertexDecl(gelements []VertexElement, stride int) * VertexDecl { raw := C.al_create_vertex_decl(&gelements[0], C.int(stride)) return wrapVertexDecl(raw) } func (vd * VertexDecl) Destroy() { if vd.handle != nil { C.al_destroy_vertex_decl(vd.handle) } vd.handle = nil } type Vertex = C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX type VertexBuffer struct { handle * C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_BUFFER } type IndexBuffer struct { handle * C.ALLEGRO_INDEX_BUFFER } func PrimitivesVersion() uint32 { return uint32(C.al_get_allegro_primitives_version()) } func InitPrimitivesAddon() bool { return bool(C.al_init_primitives_addon()) } func ShutdownPrimitivesAddon() { C.al_shutdown_primitives_addon() } /* The generic case is risky due to the GC kicking in, and hard to square with the go type system .For now only support drawing ALLEGRO_VERTICES. func DrawPrimGeneric(vertices []interface{}, decl * VertexDecl, texture * Bitmap, start, end int, ptype PrimType) int { va := make([]unsafe.Pointer, len(vertices)) for i:= 0 ; i < len(vertices); index ++ } */ func DrawPrim(v []Vertex, texture * Bitmap, start, end int, ptype PrimType) int { return int(C.al_draw_prim(unsafe.Pointer(&v[0]), nil, texture.toC(), C.int(start), C.int(end), C.int(ptype))) } func DrawIndexedPrim(v []Vertex, indices []int, texture * Bitmap, start, end int, ptype PrimType) int { return int(C.al_draw_indexed_prim(unsafe.Pointer(&v[0]), nil, texture.toC(), (* C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(&indices[0])), C.int(len(indices)), C.int(ptype))) } func DrawVertexBuffer(vb * VertexBuffer, texture * Bitmap, start, end int, ptype PrimType) int { return int(C.al_draw_vertex_buffer(vb.toC(), texture.toC(), C.int(start), C.int(end), C.int(ptype))) } func DrawIndexedBuffer(vb * VertexBuffer, texture * Bitmap, ib * IndexBuffer, start, end int, ptype PrimType) int { return int(C.al_draw_indexed_buffer(vb.toC(), texture.toC(), ib.toC(), C.int(start), C.int(end), C.int(ptype))) } // returns low level handle for the vertex buffer func (vb *VertexBuffer) toC() * C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_BUFFER { return vb.handle } // Wraps a C Allegro vertex buffer. Sets no finalizer. func wrapVertexBufferRaw(handle *C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_BUFFER) *VertexBuffer { if handle == nil { return nil } return &VertexBuffer{handle} } // Wraps a C Allegro vertex buffer. Sets a finalizer that calls Destroy. func wrapVertexBuffer(handle *C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX_BUFFER) *VertexBuffer { vd := wrapVertexBufferRaw(handle) if vd != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(vd, func(me * VertexBuffer) { me.Destroy() }) } return vd } func CreateVertexBuffer(initial []Vertex, flags PrimBufferFlags) * VertexBuffer { size := len(initial) raw := C.al_create_vertex_buffer(nil, unsafe.Pointer(&initial[0]), C.int(size), C.int(flags)) return wrapVertexBuffer(raw) } func (vb * VertexBuffer) Destroy() { if vb.handle != nil { C.al_destroy_vertex_buffer(vb.handle) } vb.handle = nil } func (vb * VertexBuffer) Get(offset, length int) []Vertex { res := make([]Vertex, length) ptr := C.al_lock_vertex_buffer(vb.toC(), C.int(offset), C.int(length), C.ALLEGRO_LOCK_READONLY) if (ptr == nil) { res = nil } else { for i := 0; i < length; i ++ { res[i] = *((*C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + uintptr(i * C.sizeof_ALLEGRO_VERTEX)))) } C.al_unlock_vertex_buffer(vb.toC()) } return res } func (vb * VertexBuffer) Set(offset int, v []Vertex) int { length := len(v) res := length ptr := C.al_lock_vertex_buffer(vb.toC(), C.int(offset), C.int(length), C.ALLEGRO_LOCK_READWRITE) if (ptr == nil) { res = 0 } else { for i := 0; i < length; i ++ { *((*C.ALLEGRO_VERTEX)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + uintptr(i * C.sizeof_ALLEGRO_VERTEX)))) = v[i] } C.al_unlock_vertex_buffer(vb.toC()) } return res } // returns low level handle for the vertex buffer func (ib *IndexBuffer) toC() * C.ALLEGRO_INDEX_BUFFER { return ib.handle } // Wraps a C Allegro vertex buffer. Sets no finalizer. func wrapIndexBufferRaw(handle *C.ALLEGRO_INDEX_BUFFER) *IndexBuffer { if handle == nil { return nil } return &IndexBuffer{handle} } // Wraps a C Allegro vertex buffer. Sets a finalizer that calls Destroy. func wrapIndexBuffer(handle *C.ALLEGRO_INDEX_BUFFER) *IndexBuffer { ib := wrapIndexBufferRaw(handle) if ib != nil { runtime.SetFinalizer(ib, func(me * IndexBuffer) { me.Destroy() }) } return ib } func CreateIndexBuffer(initial []int32, flags PrimBufferFlags) * IndexBuffer { size := len(initial) raw := C.al_create_index_buffer(4, unsafe.Pointer(&initial[0]), C.int(size), C.int(flags)) return wrapIndexBuffer(raw) } func (ib * IndexBuffer) Destroy() { if ib.handle != nil { C.al_destroy_index_buffer(ib.handle) } ib.handle = nil } func (ib * IndexBuffer) Get(offset, length int) []int32 { res := make([]int32, length) ptr := C.al_lock_index_buffer(ib.toC(), C.int(offset), C.int(length), C.ALLEGRO_LOCK_READONLY) if (ptr == nil) { res = nil } else { for i := 0; i < length; i ++ { res[i] = int32(*((*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + uintptr(i * C.sizeof_int))))) } C.al_unlock_index_buffer(ib.toC()) } return res } func (ib * IndexBuffer) Set(offset int, v []int32) int { length := len(v) res := length ptr := C.al_lock_index_buffer(ib.toC(), C.int(offset), C.int(length), C.ALLEGRO_LOCK_READWRITE) if (ptr == nil) { res = 0 } else { for i := 0; i < length; i ++ { *((*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + uintptr(i * C.sizeof_int)))) = C.int(v[i]) } C.al_unlock_index_buffer(ib.toC()) } return res } /* Callback primitives not implemented due to being a PITA. */ func DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2 float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_line(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_triangle(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), C.float(x3), C.float(y3), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2 float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_rectangle(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawRoundedRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_rounded_rectangle(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), C.float(rx), C.float(ry), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawCircle(cx, cy, r float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_circle(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(r), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_ellipse(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(rx), C.float(ry), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawPieSlice(cx, cy, r, start, delta float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_pieslice(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(r), C.float(start), C.float(delta), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawPolygon(vertices []float32, join LineJoin, color Color, thickness float32, miter_limit float32) { C.al_draw_polygon((*C.float)(&vertices[0]), C.int(len(vertices)/2), C.int(join), color.toC(), C.float(thickness), C.float(miter_limit)) } func DrawArc(cx, cy, r, start, delta float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_arc(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(r), C.float(start), C.float(delta), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawEllipticalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, delta float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_elliptical_arc(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(rx), C.float(ry), C.float(start), C.float(delta), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawSpline(points [8]float32, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_spline((*C.float)(&points[0]), color.toC(), C.float(thickness)) } func DrawRibbon(points []float32, stride int, color Color, thickness float32) { C.al_draw_ribbon((*C.float)(&points[0]), C.int(stride), color.toC(), C.float(thickness), C.int(len(points)/2)) } func DrawFilledTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float32, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_triangle(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), C.float(x3), C.float(y3), color.toC()) } func DrawFilledRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2 float32, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_rectangle(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), color.toC()) } func DrawFilledRectangleInt(x1, y1, x2, y2 int, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_rectangle(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), color.toC()) } func DrawFilledRoundedRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry float32, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_rounded_rectangle(C.float(x1), C.float(y1), C.float(x2), C.float(y2), C.float(rx), C.float(ry), color.toC()) } func DrawFilledCircle(cx, cy, r float32, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_circle(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(r), color.toC()) } func DrawFilledEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry float32, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_ellipse(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(rx), C.float(ry), color.toC()) } func DrawFilledPieSlice(cx, cy, r, start, delta float32, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_pieslice(C.float(cx), C.float(cy), C.float(r), C.float(start), C.float(delta), color.toC()) } func DrawFilledPolygon(vertices []float32, join LineJoin, color Color) { C.al_draw_filled_polygon((*C.float)(&vertices[0]), C.int(len(vertices)/2), color.toC()) } func (vert * Vertex) Init(x, y, z, u, v float32, color Color) { vert.x = C.float(x) vert.y = C.float(y) vert.z = C.float(z) vert.u = C.float(u) vert.v = C.float(v) vert.color = color.toC() } var later = ` /* *High level primitives */ ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_triangle, (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_rectangle, (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_ellipse, (float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_circle, (float cx, float cy, float r, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_pieslice, (float cx, float cy, float r, float start_theta, float delta_theta, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_rounded_rectangle, (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float rx, float ry, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_polyline, (const float* vertices, int vertex_stride, int vertex_count, int join_style, int cap_style, ALLEGRO_COLOR color, float thickness, float miter_limit)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_polygon, (const float* vertices, int vertex_count, int join_style, ALLEGRO_COLOR color, float thickness, float miter_limit)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_polygon, (const float* vertices, int vertex_count, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); ALLEGRO_PRIM_FUNC(void, al_draw_filled_polygon_with_holes, (const float* vertices, const int* vertex_counts, ALLEGRO_COLOR color)); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif `