svg.go 77 KB

  1. package svg
  2. import "time"
  3. import "encoding/xml"
  4. type Chardata string
  5. type D string
  6. type Version string
  7. type Docbase string
  8. type Xmlns string
  9. type Cc string
  10. type Dc string
  11. type Inkscape string
  12. type Rdf string
  13. type Docname string
  14. type Sodipodi string
  15. type G string
  16. type Space string
  17. type Box string
  18. type Xlink string
  19. type L string
  20. type Filename string
  21. type Xdpi string
  22. type Ydpi string
  23. type Background string
  24. type Bounds string
  25. type Origin string
  26. type Overflow string
  27. type A string
  28. type Graph string
  29. type I string
  30. type Rule string
  31. type Rendering string
  32. type Ratio string
  33. type Fill string
  34. type Linecap string
  35. type Linejoin string
  36. type Ns string
  37. type Ns0 string
  38. type Xap string
  39. type Img string
  40. type Pdf string
  41. type Pdfx string
  42. type Pdfy string
  43. type Author string
  44. type Text string
  45. type About string
  46. type Title string
  47. type Description string
  48. type Date time.Time
  49. type Resource string
  50. type Language string
  51. type Collect string
  52. type Transform string
  53. type Units string
  54. type Href string
  55. type Method string
  56. type Format string
  57. type Offset string
  58. type Stockid string
  59. type Nodetypes string
  60. type Type string
  61. type Orient string
  62. type Fx = float32
  63. type Fy = float32
  64. type Rx = float32
  65. type Ry = float32
  66. type R = float32
  67. type R1 = float32
  68. type R2 = float32
  69. type W = float32
  70. type H = float32
  71. type Cx = float32
  72. type Cy = float32
  73. type Stroke string
  74. type Variant string
  75. type Weight string
  76. type Name string
  77. type Family string
  78. type Unicode string
  79. type Layer string
  80. type Pageshadow string
  81. type Zoom string
  82. type Bbox string
  83. type Showgrid string
  84. type Showguides string
  85. type Guidetolerance string
  86. type Points string
  87. type Gridspacingx float32
  88. type Gridspacingy float32
  89. type Gridtolerance string
  90. type Gridcolor = Color
  91. type Gridopacity = Opacity
  92. type Gridoriginx = float32
  93. type Gridoriginy = float32
  94. type Gridhicolor = Color
  95. type Gridempcolor = Color
  96. type Gridempopacity = Opacity
  97. type Gridempspacing string
  98. type Guidecolor = Color
  99. type Guidehicolor = Color
  100. type Guidehiopacity = Opacity
  101. type Guideopacity = Opacity
  102. type Snaptogrid string
  103. type Showborder string
  104. type Snaptoguides string
  105. type Borderlayer string
  106. type Bordercolor = Color
  107. type Borderopacity = Opacity
  108. type Pagecolor = Color
  109. type Pageopacity = Opacity
  110. type Groupmode string
  111. type Label string
  112. type Insensitive string
  113. type Percent string
  114. type Knockout string
  115. type Trio string
  116. type Display string
  117. type Visible string
  118. type Visibility string
  119. type Cmyk string
  120. type Path string
  121. type Flatsided string
  122. type Rounded string
  123. type Arg1 string
  124. type Arg2 string
  125. type Sides string
  126. type Randomized string
  127. type Size string // XXX
  128. type Anchor string
  129. type Linespacing = Spacing
  130. type Role string
  131. type S string
  132. type Extensions string
  133. type Align string
  134. type Valign string
  135. type Spacing string
  136. type Desc string
  137. type Class string
  138. type Original string
  139. type Radius = float32
  140. type Miterlimit string
  141. type End string
  142. type Open string
  143. type Start string
  144. type Argument string
  145. type Extension string
  146. type Revolution string
  147. type T0 = float32
  148. type Isolated string
  149. type Absref string
  150. type Of string
  151. type Expansion string
  152. type Extraneous string
  153. type Matrix string
  154. type Span string
  155. type Orientation string // XXX
  156. type Position string // XXX
  157. type Color string // XXX
  158. type Opacity string // XXX
  159. type SVG struct {
  160. XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Svg"`
  161. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  162. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  163. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  164. Version Version `xml:"version,attr"`
  165. Docbase Docbase `xml:"docbase,attr"`
  166. Docname Docname `xml:"docname,attr"`
  167. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  168. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  169. Cc Cc `xml:"cc,attr"`
  170. Dc Dc `xml:"dc,attr"`
  171. Inkscape Inkscape `xml:"inkscape,attr"`
  172. Rdf Rdf `xml:"rdf,attr"`
  173. Sodipodi Sodipodi `xml:"sodipodi,attr"`
  174. SVG G `xml:"svg,attr"`
  175. Space Space `xml:"space,attr"`
  176. AttrStyle Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  177. ViewBox Box `xml:"viewBox,attr"`
  178. Xlink Xlink `xml:"xlink,attr"`
  179. XML L `xml:"xml,attr"`
  180. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  181. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  182. ExportFilename Filename `xml:"export-filename,attr"`
  183. ExportXdpi Xdpi `xml:"export-xdpi,attr"`
  184. ExportYdpi Ydpi `xml:"export-ydpi,attr"`
  185. EnableBackground Background `xml:"enable-background,attr"`
  186. PageBounds Bounds `xml:"pageBounds,attr"`
  187. RulerOrigin Origin `xml:"rulerOrigin,attr"`
  188. ViewOrigin Origin `xml:"viewOrigin,attr"`
  189. Overflow Overflow `xml:"overflow,attr"`
  190. A A `xml:"a,attr"`
  191. Graph Graph `xml:"graph,attr"`
  192. I I `xml:"i,attr"`
  193. FillRule Rule `xml:"fill-rule,attr"`
  194. ImageRendering Rendering `xml:"image-rendering,attr"`
  195. ShapeRendering Rendering `xml:"shape-rendering,attr"`
  196. TextRendering Rendering `xml:"text-rendering,attr"`
  197. PreserveAspectRatio Ratio `xml:"preserveAspectRatio,attr"`
  198. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  199. StrokeLinecap Linecap `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr"`
  200. StrokeLinejoin Linejoin `xml:"stroke-linejoin,attr"`
  201. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  202. Ns Ns `xml:"ns,attr"`
  203. Ns0 Ns0 `xml:"ns0,attr"`
  204. Xap Xap `xml:"xap,attr"`
  205. XapGImg Img `xml:"xapGImg,attr"`
  206. Pdf Pdf `xml:"pdf,attr"`
  207. Pdfx Pdfx `xml:"pdfx,attr"`
  208. Author Author `xml:"author,attr"`
  209. Metadata struct {
  210. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  211. RDF struct {
  212. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  213. Cc Cc `xml:"cc,attr"`
  214. Dc Dc `xml:"dc,attr"`
  215. Rdf Rdf `xml:"rdf,attr"`
  216. Work struct {
  217. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  218. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  219. Title Title `xml:"title"` // shopping_cart, rss_button...
  220. Description Description `xml:"description"` // Button to indicate a link...
  221. Subject struct {
  222. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  223. Bag struct {
  224. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  225. Li []string `xml:"li"` // activities, shopping, car...
  226. } `xml:"Bag"`
  227. } `xml:"subject"`
  228. Publisher struct {
  229. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  230. Agent struct {
  231. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  232. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  233. Title Title `xml:"title"` // Open Clip Art Library, Op...
  234. } `xml:"Agent"`
  235. } `xml:"publisher"`
  236. Creator struct {
  237. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  238. Agent struct {
  239. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  240. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  241. Title Title `xml:"title"` // mimooh, Roman Bertle, Lum...
  242. } `xml:"Agent"`
  243. } `xml:"creator"`
  244. Rights struct {
  245. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  246. Agent struct {
  247. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  248. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  249. Title Title `xml:"title"` // mimooh, Roman Bertle, Lum...
  250. } `xml:"Agent"`
  251. } `xml:"rights"`
  252. Date Date `xml:"date"` // 2005-09-01, 29 08 2005, S...
  253. Format Format `xml:"format"` // image/svg+xml, image/svg+...
  254. Type struct {
  255. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  256. Resource Resource `xml:"resource,attr"`
  257. } `xml:"type"`
  258. License struct {
  259. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  260. Resource Resource `xml:"resource,attr"`
  261. } `xml:"license"`
  262. Language Language `xml:"language"` // en, en, All, en, en, en, ...
  263. } `xml:"Work"`
  264. License struct {
  265. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  266. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  267. Permits []struct {
  268. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  269. Resource Resource `xml:"resource,attr"`
  270. } `xml:"permits"`
  271. } `xml:"License"`
  272. } `xml:"RDF"`
  273. } `xml:"metadata"`
  274. Defs struct {
  275. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  276. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  277. LinearGradient []struct {
  278. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  279. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  280. Collect Collect `xml:"collect,attr"`
  281. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  282. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  283. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  284. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  285. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  286. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  287. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  288. SpreadMethod Method `xml:"spreadMethod,attr"`
  289. Stop []struct {
  290. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  291. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  292. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  293. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  294. } `xml:"stop"`
  295. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  296. Style struct {
  297. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // .str0 {stroke:#1F1A17;str...
  298. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  299. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  300. } `xml:"style"`
  301. Mask []struct {
  302. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  303. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  304. LinearGradient struct {
  305. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  306. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  307. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  308. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  309. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  310. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  311. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  312. Stop []struct {
  313. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  314. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  315. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  316. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  317. } `xml:"stop"`
  318. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  319. Rect struct {
  320. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  321. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  322. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  323. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  324. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  325. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  326. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  327. } `xml:"rect"`
  328. } `xml:"mask"`
  329. Marker []struct {
  330. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  331. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  332. MarkerHeight float32 `xml:"markerHeight,attr"`
  333. MarkerUnits Units `xml:"markerUnits,attr"`
  334. MarkerWidth float32 `xml:"markerWidth,attr"`
  335. Orient Orient `xml:"orient,attr"`
  336. RefX float32 `xml:"refX,attr"`
  337. RefY float32 `xml:"refY,attr"`
  338. ViewBox Box `xml:"viewBox,attr"`
  339. Stockid Stockid `xml:"stockid,attr"`
  340. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  341. Path struct {
  342. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  343. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  344. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  345. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  346. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  347. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  348. } `xml:"path"`
  349. } `xml:"marker"`
  350. RadialGradient []struct {
  351. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  352. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  353. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  354. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  355. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  356. Fx Fx `xml:"fx,attr"`
  357. Fy Fy `xml:"fy,attr"`
  358. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  359. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  360. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  361. Collect Collect `xml:"collect,attr"`
  362. SpreadMethod Method `xml:"spreadMethod,attr"`
  363. } `xml:"radialGradient"`
  364. Rect []struct {
  365. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  366. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  367. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  368. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  369. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  370. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  371. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  372. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  373. } `xml:"rect"`
  374. G []struct {
  375. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  376. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  377. Use []struct {
  378. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  379. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  380. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  381. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  382. } `xml:"use"`
  383. } `xml:"g"`
  384. ClipPath []struct {
  385. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  386. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  387. Path struct {
  388. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  389. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  390. } `xml:"path"`
  391. } `xml:"clipPath"`
  392. Defs []struct {
  393. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  394. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  395. Mask struct {
  396. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  397. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  398. Defs struct {
  399. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  400. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  401. LinearGradient struct {
  402. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  403. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  404. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  405. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  406. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  407. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  408. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  409. Stop []struct {
  410. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  411. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  412. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  413. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  414. } `xml:"stop"`
  415. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  416. } `xml:"defs"`
  417. Rect struct {
  418. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  419. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  420. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  421. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  422. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  423. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  424. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  425. } `xml:"rect"`
  426. } `xml:"mask"`
  427. } `xml:"defs"`
  428. Path struct {
  429. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  430. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  431. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  432. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  433. } `xml:"path"`
  434. Namedview []struct {
  435. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  436. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  437. } `xml:"namedview"`
  438. Font struct {
  439. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  440. FontVariant Variant `xml:"fontVariant,attr"`
  441. FontWeight Weight `xml:"fontWeight,attr"`
  442. FullFontName Name `xml:"fullFontName,attr"`
  443. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  444. FontFace struct {
  445. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  446. FontFamily Family `xml:"font-family,attr"`
  447. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  448. } `xml:"font-face"`
  449. MissingGlyph struct {
  450. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  451. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  452. Path struct {
  453. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  454. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  455. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  456. } `xml:"path"`
  457. } `xml:"missing-glyph"`
  458. Glyph []struct {
  459. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  460. HorizAdvX float32 `xml:"horiz-adv-x,attr"`
  461. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  462. Unicode Unicode `xml:"unicode,attr"`
  463. Path struct {
  464. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  465. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  466. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  467. } `xml:"path"`
  468. } `xml:"glyph"`
  469. } `xml:"font"`
  470. } `xml:"defs"`
  471. Namedview struct {
  472. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  473. Bordercolor Bordercolor `xml:"bordercolor,attr"`
  474. Borderopacity Borderopacity `xml:"borderopacity,attr"`
  475. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  476. CurrentLayer Layer `xml:"current-layer,attr"`
  477. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  478. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  479. Pageopacity Pageopacity `xml:"pageopacity,attr"`
  480. Pageshadow Pageshadow `xml:"pageshadow,attr"`
  481. WindowHeight float32 `xml:"window-height,attr"`
  482. WindowWidth float32 `xml:"window-width,attr"`
  483. WindowX float32 `xml:"window-x,attr"`
  484. WindowY float32 `xml:"window-y,attr"`
  485. Zoom Zoom `xml:"zoom,attr"`
  486. Pagecolor Pagecolor `xml:"pagecolor,attr"`
  487. DocumentUnits Units `xml:"document-units,attr"`
  488. GridBbox Bbox `xml:"grid-bbox,attr"`
  489. GuideBbox Bbox `xml:"guide-bbox,attr"`
  490. Showgrid Showgrid `xml:"showgrid,attr"`
  491. Showguides Showguides `xml:"showguides,attr"`
  492. Guidetolerance Guidetolerance `xml:"guidetolerance,attr"`
  493. GuidePoints Points `xml:"guide-points,attr"`
  494. Gridspacingx Gridspacingx `xml:"gridspacingx,attr"`
  495. Gridspacingy Gridspacingy `xml:"gridspacingy,attr"`
  496. Gridtolerance Gridtolerance `xml:"gridtolerance,attr"`
  497. GridPoints Points `xml:"grid-points,attr"`
  498. Gridcolor Gridcolor `xml:"gridcolor,attr"`
  499. Gridopacity Gridopacity `xml:"gridopacity,attr"`
  500. Gridoriginx Gridoriginx `xml:"gridoriginx,attr"`
  501. Gridoriginy Gridoriginy `xml:"gridoriginy,attr"`
  502. Guidecolor Guidecolor `xml:"guidecolor,attr"`
  503. Guidehicolor Guidehicolor `xml:"guidehicolor,attr"`
  504. Guidehiopacity Guidehiopacity `xml:"guidehiopacity,attr"`
  505. Guideopacity Guideopacity `xml:"guideopacity,attr"`
  506. Snaptogrid Snaptogrid `xml:"snaptogrid,attr"`
  507. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  508. Gridhicolor Gridhicolor `xml:"gridhicolor,attr"`
  509. Showborder Showborder `xml:"showborder,attr"`
  510. Snaptoguides Snaptoguides `xml:"snaptoguides,attr"`
  511. Borderlayer Borderlayer `xml:"borderlayer,attr"`
  512. Gridempcolor Gridempcolor `xml:"gridempcolor,attr"`
  513. Gridempopacity Gridempopacity `xml:"gridempopacity,attr"`
  514. Gridempspacing Gridempspacing `xml:"gridempspacing,attr"`
  515. Guide []struct {
  516. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  517. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  518. Orientation Orientation `xml:"orientation,attr"`
  519. Position Position `xml:"position,attr"`
  520. } `xml:"guide"`
  521. } `xml:"namedview"`
  522. G []struct {
  523. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  524. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  525. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  526. Groupmode Groupmode `xml:"groupmode,attr"`
  527. Label Label `xml:"label,attr"`
  528. Insensitive Insensitive `xml:"insensitive,attr"`
  529. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  530. DimmedPercent Percent `xml:"dimmedPercent,attr"`
  531. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  532. Layer Layer `xml:"layer,attr"`
  533. RgbTrio Trio `xml:"rgbTrio,attr"`
  534. Display Display `xml:"display,attr"`
  535. Visible Visible `xml:"visible,attr"`
  536. Visibility Visibility `xml:"visibility,attr"`
  537. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  538. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  539. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  540. ExportFilename Filename `xml:"export-filename,attr"`
  541. ExportXdpi Xdpi `xml:"export-xdpi,attr"`
  542. ExportYdpi Ydpi `xml:"export-ydpi,attr"`
  543. StrokeLinecap Linecap `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr"`
  544. Rect []struct {
  545. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  546. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  547. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  548. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  549. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  550. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  551. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  552. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  553. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  554. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  555. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  556. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  557. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  558. Label Label `xml:"label,attr"`
  559. FillCmyk Cmyk `xml:"fill-cmyk,attr"`
  560. Insensitive Insensitive `xml:"insensitive,attr"`
  561. } `xml:"rect"`
  562. G []struct {
  563. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  564. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  565. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  566. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  567. ExportFilename Filename `xml:"export-filename,attr"`
  568. ExportXdpi Xdpi `xml:"export-xdpi,attr"`
  569. ExportYdpi Ydpi `xml:"export-ydpi,attr"`
  570. Groupmode Groupmode `xml:"groupmode,attr"`
  571. Label Label `xml:"label,attr"`
  572. Display Display `xml:"display,attr"`
  573. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  574. G []struct {
  575. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  576. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  577. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  578. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  579. Path []struct {
  580. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  581. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  582. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  583. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  584. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  585. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  586. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  587. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  588. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  589. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  590. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  591. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  592. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  593. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  594. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  595. TileCx Cx `xml:"tile-cx,attr"`
  596. TileCy Cy `xml:"tile-cy,attr"`
  597. TileH H `xml:"tile-h,attr"`
  598. TileW W `xml:"tile-w,attr"`
  599. ClipPath Path `xml:"clip-path,attr"`
  600. ClipRule Rule `xml:"clip-rule,attr"`
  601. FillRule Rule `xml:"fill-rule,attr"`
  602. Flatsided Flatsided `xml:"flatsided,attr"`
  603. Rounded Rounded `xml:"rounded,attr"`
  604. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  605. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  606. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  607. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  608. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  609. } `xml:"path"`
  610. G []struct {
  611. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  612. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  613. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  614. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  615. AttrClipPath Path `xml:"clip-path,attr"`
  616. Path []struct {
  617. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  618. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  619. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  620. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  621. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  622. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  623. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  624. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  625. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  626. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  627. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  628. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  629. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  630. Flatsided Flatsided `xml:"flatsided,attr"`
  631. Randomized Randomized `xml:"randomized,attr"`
  632. Rounded Rounded `xml:"rounded,attr"`
  633. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  634. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  635. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  636. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  637. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  638. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  639. } `xml:"path"`
  640. Use []struct {
  641. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  642. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  643. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  644. } `xml:"use"`
  645. Text []struct {
  646. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  647. FontSize Size `xml:"font-size,attr"`
  648. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  649. TextAnchor Anchor `xml:"text-anchor,attr"`
  650. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  651. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  652. Linespacing Linespacing `xml:"linespacing,attr"`
  653. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  654. Space Space `xml:"space,attr"`
  655. Tspan []struct {
  656. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // 0, 0, 75678, 16412, 5, c,...
  657. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  658. Role Role `xml:"role,attr"`
  659. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  660. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  661. } `xml:"tspan"`
  662. } `xml:"text"`
  663. G []struct {
  664. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  665. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  666. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  667. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  668. AttrClipPath Path `xml:"clip-path,attr"`
  669. Path []struct {
  670. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  671. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  672. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  673. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  674. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  675. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  676. } `xml:"path"`
  677. Rect []struct {
  678. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  679. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  680. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  681. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  682. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  683. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  684. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  685. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  686. } `xml:"rect"`
  687. G []struct {
  688. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  689. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  690. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  691. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  692. AttrClipPath Path `xml:"clip-path,attr"`
  693. Path []struct {
  694. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  695. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  696. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  697. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  698. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  699. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  700. } `xml:"path"`
  701. G []struct {
  702. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  703. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  704. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  705. ClipPath Path `xml:"clip-path,attr"`
  706. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  707. Path []struct {
  708. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  709. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  710. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  711. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  712. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  713. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  714. } `xml:"path"`
  715. Switch struct {
  716. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  717. ObjectNS S `xml:"objectNS,attr"`
  718. ObjectType Type `xml:"objectType,attr"`
  719. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  720. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  721. ForeignObject struct {
  722. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  723. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  724. Overflow Overflow `xml:"overflow,attr"`
  725. RequiredExtensions Extensions `xml:"requiredExtensions,attr"`
  726. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  727. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  728. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  729. ImageReplacement struct {
  730. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  731. Align Align `xml:"align,attr"`
  732. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  733. PlacementMethod Method `xml:"placementMethod,attr"`
  734. RefHeight float32 `xml:"refHeight,attr"`
  735. RefWidth float32 `xml:"refWidth,attr"`
  736. Valign Valign `xml:"valign,attr"`
  737. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  738. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  739. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  740. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  741. } `xml:"imageReplacement"`
  742. TargetRef struct {
  743. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  744. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  745. } `xml:"targetRef"`
  746. } `xml:"foreignObject"`
  747. Image struct {
  748. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  749. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  750. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  751. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  752. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  753. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  754. } `xml:"image"`
  755. } `xml:"switch"`
  756. Rect struct {
  757. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  758. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  759. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  760. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  761. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  762. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  763. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  764. } `xml:"rect"`
  765. Ellipse struct {
  766. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  767. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  768. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  769. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  770. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  771. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  772. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  773. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  774. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  775. G []struct {
  776. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  777. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  778. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  779. Rect struct {
  780. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  781. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  782. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  783. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  784. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  785. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  786. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  787. } `xml:"rect"`
  788. Ellipse struct {
  789. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  790. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  791. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  792. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  793. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  794. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  795. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  796. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  797. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  798. G []struct {
  799. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  800. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  801. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  802. Rect struct {
  803. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  804. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  805. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  806. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  807. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  808. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  809. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  810. } `xml:"rect"`
  811. Ellipse struct {
  812. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  813. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  814. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  815. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  816. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  817. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  818. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  819. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  820. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  821. } `xml:"g"`
  822. } `xml:"g"`
  823. } `xml:"g"`
  824. Defs struct {
  825. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  826. Rect struct {
  827. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  828. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  829. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  830. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  831. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  832. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  833. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  834. } `xml:"rect"`
  835. } `xml:"defs"`
  836. ClipPath struct {
  837. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  838. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  839. Use struct {
  840. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  841. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  842. } `xml:"use"`
  843. } `xml:"clipPath"`
  844. Switch struct {
  845. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  846. ObjectNS S `xml:"objectNS,attr"`
  847. ObjectType Type `xml:"objectType,attr"`
  848. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  849. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  850. ForeignObject struct {
  851. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  852. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  853. Overflow Overflow `xml:"overflow,attr"`
  854. RequiredExtensions Extensions `xml:"requiredExtensions,attr"`
  855. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  856. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  857. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  858. ImageReplacement struct {
  859. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  860. Align Align `xml:"align,attr"`
  861. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  862. PlacementMethod Method `xml:"placementMethod,attr"`
  863. RefHeight float32 `xml:"refHeight,attr"`
  864. RefWidth float32 `xml:"refWidth,attr"`
  865. Valign Valign `xml:"valign,attr"`
  866. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  867. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  868. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  869. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  870. } `xml:"imageReplacement"`
  871. TargetRef struct {
  872. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  873. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  874. } `xml:"targetRef"`
  875. } `xml:"foreignObject"`
  876. Image struct {
  877. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  878. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  879. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  880. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  881. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  882. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  883. } `xml:"image"`
  884. } `xml:"switch"`
  885. Rect struct {
  886. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  887. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  888. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  889. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  890. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  891. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  892. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  893. } `xml:"rect"`
  894. Ellipse struct {
  895. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  896. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  897. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  898. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  899. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  900. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  901. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  902. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  903. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  904. } `xml:"g"`
  905. Defs struct {
  906. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  907. Rect struct {
  908. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  909. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  910. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  911. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  912. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  913. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  914. } `xml:"rect"`
  915. } `xml:"defs"`
  916. ClipPath struct {
  917. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  918. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  919. Use struct {
  920. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  921. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  922. } `xml:"use"`
  923. } `xml:"clipPath"`
  924. Ellipse []struct {
  925. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  926. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  927. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  928. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  929. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  930. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  931. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  932. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  933. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  934. } `xml:"g"`
  935. Rect []struct {
  936. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  937. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  938. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  939. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  940. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  941. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  942. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  943. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  944. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  945. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  946. } `xml:"rect"`
  947. Defs struct {
  948. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  949. Rect struct {
  950. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  951. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  952. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  953. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  954. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  955. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  956. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  957. } `xml:"rect"`
  958. } `xml:"defs"`
  959. ClipPath struct {
  960. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  961. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  962. Use struct {
  963. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  964. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  965. } `xml:"use"`
  966. } `xml:"clipPath"`
  967. Polygon []struct {
  968. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  969. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  970. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  971. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  972. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  973. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  974. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  975. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  976. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  977. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  978. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  979. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  980. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  981. } `xml:"polygon"`
  982. A struct {
  983. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  984. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  985. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  986. G struct {
  987. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  988. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  989. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  990. G []struct {
  991. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  992. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  993. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  994. Path []struct {
  995. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  996. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  997. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  998. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  999. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1000. } `xml:"path"`
  1001. } `xml:"g"`
  1002. } `xml:"g"`
  1003. } `xml:"a"`
  1004. Ellipse []struct {
  1005. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1006. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1007. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1008. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1009. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1010. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1011. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1012. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1013. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  1014. } `xml:"g"`
  1015. Rect []struct {
  1016. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1017. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1018. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1019. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1020. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1021. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1022. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1023. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1024. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1025. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1026. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1027. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1028. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1029. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1030. ClipPath Path `xml:"clip-path,attr"`
  1031. } `xml:"rect"`
  1032. LinearGradient struct {
  1033. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1034. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  1035. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1036. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1037. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1038. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1039. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1040. Stop []struct {
  1041. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1042. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1043. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1044. } `xml:"stop"`
  1045. MidPointStop []struct {
  1046. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1047. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1048. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1049. } `xml:"midPointStop"`
  1050. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  1051. Desc Desc `xml:"desc"` // Drawing, Drawing, Drawing...
  1052. Defs struct {
  1053. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1054. Rect struct {
  1055. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1056. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1057. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1058. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1059. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1060. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1061. } `xml:"rect"`
  1062. Path struct {
  1063. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1064. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1065. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1066. } `xml:"path"`
  1067. } `xml:"defs"`
  1068. ClipPath struct {
  1069. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1070. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1071. Use struct {
  1072. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1073. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1074. } `xml:"use"`
  1075. } `xml:"clipPath"`
  1076. Ellipse []struct {
  1077. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1078. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1079. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1080. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1081. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1082. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1083. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1084. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1085. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  1086. Polygon []struct {
  1087. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1088. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1089. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  1090. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  1091. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  1092. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1093. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1094. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  1095. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  1096. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  1097. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  1098. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1099. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1100. } `xml:"polygon"`
  1101. Use []struct {
  1102. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1103. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1104. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1105. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1106. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1107. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1108. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1109. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1110. } `xml:"use"`
  1111. Text []struct {
  1112. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1113. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1114. Linespacing Linespacing `xml:"linespacing,attr"`
  1115. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1116. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1117. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1118. Tspan struct {
  1119. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // L, I, B, E, R, T, A, S
  1120. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1121. Role Role `xml:"role,attr"`
  1122. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1123. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1124. } `xml:"tspan"`
  1125. } `xml:"text"`
  1126. } `xml:"g"`
  1127. Path []struct {
  1128. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
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  1130. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1131. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  1132. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1133. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1134. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1135. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1136. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1137. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  1138. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1139. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1140. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1141. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1142. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1143. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1144. Original Original `xml:"original,attr"`
  1145. Radius Radius `xml:"radius,attr"`
  1146. ClipRule Rule `xml:"clip-rule,attr"`
  1147. FillRule Rule `xml:"fill-rule,attr"`
  1148. StrokeMiterlimit Miterlimit `xml:"stroke-miterlimit,attr"`
  1149. Flatsided Flatsided `xml:"flatsided,attr"`
  1150. Randomized Randomized `xml:"randomized,attr"`
  1151. Rounded Rounded `xml:"rounded,attr"`
  1152. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  1153. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  1154. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  1155. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  1156. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  1157. Opacity Opacity `xml:"opacity,attr"`
  1158. End End `xml:"end,attr"`
  1159. Open Open `xml:"open,attr"`
  1160. Start Start `xml:"start,attr"`
  1161. Argument Argument `xml:"argument,attr"`
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  1163. Revolution Revolution `xml:"revolution,attr"`
  1164. T0 T0 `xml:"t0,attr"`
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  1171. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
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  1174. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1175. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
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  1177. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1178. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1179. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1180. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1181. FillCmyk Cmyk `xml:"fill-cmyk,attr"`
  1182. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1183. } `xml:"rect"`
  1184. Text []struct {
  1185. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1186. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1187. Linespacing Linespacing `xml:"linespacing,attr"`
  1188. Space Space `xml:"space,attr"`
  1189. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1190. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1191. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1192. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1193. Tspan struct {
  1194. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // RSS, RSS, 12, 6, 3, 9, W,...
  1195. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1196. Role Role `xml:"role,attr"`
  1197. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1198. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1199. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1200. } `xml:"tspan"`
  1201. } `xml:"text"`
  1202. LinearGradient []struct {
  1203. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1204. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  1205. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1206. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1207. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1208. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1209. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1210. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  1211. Stop []struct {
  1212. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1213. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1214. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1215. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1216. } `xml:"stop"`
  1217. MidPointStop []struct {
  1218. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1219. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1220. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1221. } `xml:"midPointStop"`
  1222. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  1223. Defs struct {
  1224. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1225. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1226. Path struct {
  1227. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1228. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1229. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1230. } `xml:"path"`
  1231. LinearGradient []struct {
  1232. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1233. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1234. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1235. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1236. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1237. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1238. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1239. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  1240. Stop []struct {
  1241. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1242. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1243. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1244. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1245. } `xml:"stop"`
  1246. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  1247. Defs struct {
  1248. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1249. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1250. } `xml:"defs"`
  1251. Namedview struct {
  1252. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1253. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1254. } `xml:"namedview"`
  1255. RadialGradient []struct {
  1256. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1257. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1258. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1259. Fx Fx `xml:"fx,attr"`
  1260. Fy Fy `xml:"fy,attr"`
  1261. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1262. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  1263. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1264. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  1265. } `xml:"radialGradient"`
  1266. } `xml:"defs"`
  1267. ClipPath struct {
  1268. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1269. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1270. Use struct {
  1271. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1272. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1273. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1274. } `xml:"use"`
  1275. } `xml:"clipPath"`
  1276. Use []struct {
  1277. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1278. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1279. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1280. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1281. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1282. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1283. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1284. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1285. } `xml:"use"`
  1286. Desc Desc `xml:"desc"` // Drawing, Drawing, Group
  1287. Namedview struct {
  1288. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1289. Bordercolor Bordercolor `xml:"bordercolor,attr"`
  1290. Borderlayer Borderlayer `xml:"borderlayer,attr"`
  1291. Borderopacity Borderopacity `xml:"borderopacity,attr"`
  1292. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1293. Showgrid Showgrid `xml:"showgrid,attr"`
  1294. } `xml:"namedview"`
  1295. Ellipse []struct {
  1296. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1297. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1298. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1299. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1300. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1301. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1302. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1303. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1304. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  1305. Polygon []struct {
  1306. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1307. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1308. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  1309. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  1310. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  1311. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1312. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1313. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  1314. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  1315. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  1316. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  1317. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1318. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1319. } `xml:"polygon"`
  1320. } `xml:"g"`
  1321. Path []struct {
  1322. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1323. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1324. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1325. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1326. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1327. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  1328. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1329. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1330. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1331. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1332. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1333. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  1334. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1335. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1336. TileCx Cx `xml:"tile-cx,attr"`
  1337. TileCy Cy `xml:"tile-cy,attr"`
  1338. TileH H `xml:"tile-h,attr"`
  1339. TileW W `xml:"tile-w,attr"`
  1340. ClipRule Rule `xml:"clip-rule,attr"`
  1341. FillRule Rule `xml:"fill-rule,attr"`
  1342. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1343. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1344. EnableBackground Background `xml:"enable-background,attr"`
  1345. Isolated Isolated `xml:"isolated,attr"`
  1346. Opacity Opacity `xml:"opacity,attr"`
  1347. ExportXdpi Xdpi `xml:"export-xdpi,attr"`
  1348. ExportYdpi Ydpi `xml:"export-ydpi,attr"`
  1349. End End `xml:"end,attr"`
  1350. Open Open `xml:"open,attr"`
  1351. Start Start `xml:"start,attr"`
  1352. StrokeMiterlimit Miterlimit `xml:"stroke-miterlimit,attr"`
  1353. Flatsided Flatsided `xml:"flatsided,attr"`
  1354. Label Label `xml:"label,attr"`
  1355. Randomized Randomized `xml:"randomized,attr"`
  1356. Rounded Rounded `xml:"rounded,attr"`
  1357. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  1358. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  1359. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  1360. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  1361. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  1362. FillCmyk Cmyk `xml:"fill-cmyk,attr"`
  1363. } `xml:"path"`
  1364. Circle []struct {
  1365. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1366. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1367. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1368. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1369. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1370. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  1371. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1372. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1373. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1374. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1375. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1376. } `xml:"circle"`
  1377. Text []struct {
  1378. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // Ukraine
  1379. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1380. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1381. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1382. Space Space `xml:"space,attr"`
  1383. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1384. Linespacing Linespacing `xml:"linespacing,attr"`
  1385. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1386. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1387. Tspan []struct {
  1388. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // LOVE, produced by Math Pr...
  1389. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1390. Role Role `xml:"role,attr"`
  1391. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1392. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1393. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1394. } `xml:"tspan"`
  1395. } `xml:"text"`
  1396. Ellipse []struct {
  1397. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1398. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1399. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1400. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1401. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1402. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1403. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1404. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1405. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  1406. Image []struct {
  1407. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1408. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1409. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1410. Absref Absref `xml:"absref,attr"`
  1411. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1412. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1413. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1414. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1415. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1416. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1417. } `xml:"image"`
  1418. Line []struct {
  1419. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1420. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1421. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1422. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1423. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1424. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1425. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1426. } `xml:"line"`
  1427. Defs struct {
  1428. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1429. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1430. LinearGradient []struct {
  1431. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1432. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1433. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1434. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1435. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1436. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1437. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1438. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  1439. Stop []struct {
  1440. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1441. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1442. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1443. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1444. } `xml:"stop"`
  1445. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  1446. Defs struct {
  1447. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1448. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1449. } `xml:"defs"`
  1450. RadialGradient []struct {
  1451. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1452. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1453. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1454. Fx Fx `xml:"fx,attr"`
  1455. Fy Fy `xml:"fy,attr"`
  1456. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1457. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  1458. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1459. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  1460. } `xml:"radialGradient"`
  1461. } `xml:"defs"`
  1462. Use []struct {
  1463. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1464. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1465. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1466. TiledCloneOf Of `xml:"tiled-clone-of,attr"`
  1467. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1468. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1469. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1470. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1471. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1472. } `xml:"use"`
  1473. LinearGradient []struct {
  1474. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1475. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  1476. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1477. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1478. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1479. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1480. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1481. GradientTransform Transform `xml:"gradientTransform,attr"`
  1482. Stop []struct {
  1483. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1484. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1485. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1486. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1487. } `xml:"stop"`
  1488. MidPointStop []struct {
  1489. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1490. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1491. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1492. } `xml:"midPointStop"`
  1493. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  1494. Desc Desc `xml:"desc"` // Master slide, Slide
  1495. Title struct {
  1496. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // Vertical Tricolor: black,...
  1497. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1498. } `xml:"title"`
  1499. Polygon []struct {
  1500. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1501. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1502. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  1503. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1504. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  1505. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  1506. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1507. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1508. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  1509. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  1510. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  1511. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  1512. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1513. } `xml:"polygon"`
  1514. Namedview struct {
  1515. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1516. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1517. } `xml:"namedview"`
  1518. FlowRoot struct {
  1519. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1520. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1521. Space Space `xml:"space,attr"`
  1522. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1523. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1524. FlowRegion struct {
  1525. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1526. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1527. Rect struct {
  1528. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1529. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1530. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1531. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1532. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1533. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1534. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1535. } `xml:"rect"`
  1536. } `xml:"flowRegion"`
  1537. FlowPara []struct {
  1538. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // Felipe Maciel, ffmaciel@g...
  1539. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1540. } `xml:"flowPara"`
  1541. } `xml:"flowRoot"`
  1542. } `xml:"g"`
  1543. Symbol struct {
  1544. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1545. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1546. ViewBox Box `xml:"viewBox,attr"`
  1547. Path struct {
  1548. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1549. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1550. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1551. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1552. } `xml:"path"`
  1553. } `xml:"symbol"`
  1554. Path []struct {
  1555. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1556. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1557. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1558. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1559. Nodetypes Nodetypes `xml:"nodetypes,attr"`
  1560. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1561. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1562. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1563. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1564. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1565. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  1566. Flatsided Flatsided `xml:"flatsided,attr"`
  1567. Rounded Rounded `xml:"rounded,attr"`
  1568. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  1569. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  1570. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  1571. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  1572. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  1573. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1574. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1575. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1576. FillCmyk Cmyk `xml:"fill-cmyk,attr"`
  1577. End End `xml:"end,attr"`
  1578. Start Start `xml:"start,attr"`
  1579. Argument Argument `xml:"argument,attr"`
  1580. Expansion Expansion `xml:"expansion,attr"`
  1581. Radius Radius `xml:"radius,attr"`
  1582. Revolution Revolution `xml:"revolution,attr"`
  1583. T0 T0 `xml:"t0,attr"`
  1584. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1585. } `xml:"path"`
  1586. Rect []struct {
  1587. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1588. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1589. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1590. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1591. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1592. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1593. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1594. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1595. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1596. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1597. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1598. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1599. FillCmyk Cmyk `xml:"fill-cmyk,attr"`
  1600. Insensitive Insensitive `xml:"insensitive,attr"`
  1601. } `xml:"rect"`
  1602. Title struct {
  1603. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // EAN-13 Bar Code, Iraqi fl...
  1604. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1605. } `xml:"title"`
  1606. Desc struct {
  1607. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // A Bar Code: EAN-13., The ...
  1608. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1609. } `xml:"desc"`
  1610. Text []struct {
  1611. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // PACE, Moscow, Stockholm, ...
  1612. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1613. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1614. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1615. Space Space `xml:"space,attr"`
  1616. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1617. Linespacing Linespacing `xml:"linespacing,attr"`
  1618. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1619. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1620. FontFamily Family `xml:"font-family,attr"`
  1621. FontSize Size `xml:"font-size,attr"`
  1622. FontWeight Weight `xml:"font-weight,attr"`
  1623. TextAnchor Anchor `xml:"text-anchor,attr"`
  1624. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1625. Tspan []struct {
  1626. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // FOR SALE, 858-361-2811, $...
  1627. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1628. Role Role `xml:"role,attr"`
  1629. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1630. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1631. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1632. } `xml:"tspan"`
  1633. } `xml:"text"`
  1634. Style struct {
  1635. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // @font-face{font-family:'L...
  1636. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  1637. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1638. } `xml:"style"`
  1639. Switch struct {
  1640. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1641. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1642. ForeignObject struct {
  1643. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1644. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1645. RequiredExtensions Extensions `xml:"requiredExtensions,attr"`
  1646. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1647. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1648. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1649. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1650. PgfRef struct {
  1651. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1652. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1653. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1654. } `xml:"pgfRef"`
  1655. } `xml:"foreignObject"`
  1656. G struct {
  1657. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1658. Extraneous Extraneous `xml:"extraneous,attr"`
  1659. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1660. G struct {
  1661. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1662. DimmedPercent Percent `xml:"dimmedPercent,attr"`
  1663. Layer Layer `xml:"layer,attr"`
  1664. RgbTrio Trio `xml:"rgbTrio,attr"`
  1665. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1666. G []struct {
  1667. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1668. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1669. G []struct {
  1670. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1671. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1672. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1673. G []struct {
  1674. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1675. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1676. Path []struct {
  1677. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1678. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1679. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1680. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1681. } `xml:"path"`
  1682. Polygon struct {
  1683. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1684. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1685. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1686. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  1687. } `xml:"polygon"`
  1688. } `xml:"g"`
  1689. Polygon struct {
  1690. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1691. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1692. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1693. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1694. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  1695. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1696. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
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  1698. } `xml:"g"`
  1699. Path []struct {
  1700. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1701. ClipRule Rule `xml:"clip-rule,attr"`
  1702. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1703. FillRule Rule `xml:"fill-rule,attr"`
  1704. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1705. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1706. StrokeMiterlimit Miterlimit `xml:"stroke-miterlimit,attr"`
  1707. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1708. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1709. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
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  1711. Rect []struct {
  1712. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1713. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1714. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1715. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1716. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1717. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1718. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1719. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1720. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1721. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1722. } `xml:"rect"`
  1723. Polygon []struct {
  1724. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1725. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1726. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1727. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1728. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  1729. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1730. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1731. } `xml:"polygon"`
  1732. Circle struct {
  1733. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1734. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1735. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1736. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1737. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1738. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  1739. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1740. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1741. } `xml:"circle"`
  1742. Switch []struct {
  1743. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1744. ObjectNS S `xml:"objectNS,attr"`
  1745. ObjectType Type `xml:"objectType,attr"`
  1746. ForeignObject struct {
  1747. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1748. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1749. Overflow Overflow `xml:"overflow,attr"`
  1750. RequiredExtensions Extensions `xml:"requiredExtensions,attr"`
  1751. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1752. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1753. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1754. FlowDef struct {
  1755. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1756. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  1757. Region struct {
  1758. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1759. TextMatrix Matrix `xml:"textMatrix,attr"`
  1760. Path struct {
  1761. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1762. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1763. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1764. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1765. } `xml:"path"`
  1766. } `xml:"region"`
  1767. Flow struct {
  1768. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1769. FontFamily Family `xml:"font-family,attr"`
  1770. FontSize Size `xml:"font-size,attr"`
  1771. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  1772. P struct {
  1773. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1774. Span struct {
  1775. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // ORDEM PROGRESSO PROGR...
  1776. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1777. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1778. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1779. } `xml:"span"`
  1780. } `xml:"p"`
  1781. } `xml:"flow"`
  1782. } `xml:"flowDef"`
  1783. TargetRef struct {
  1784. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1785. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1786. } `xml:"targetRef"`
  1787. } `xml:"foreignObject"`
  1788. G struct {
  1789. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  1790. Path struct {
  1791. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1792. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1793. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1794. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1795. } `xml:"path"`
  1796. G struct {
  1797. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  1798. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1799. Text []struct {
  1800. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // O, R, D, E, M, P, R, O, G...
  1801. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1802. FontFamily Family `xml:"font-family,attr"`
  1803. FontSize Size `xml:"font-size,attr"`
  1804. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1805. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1806. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1807. } `xml:"text"`
  1808. } `xml:"g"`
  1809. Line struct {
  1810. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1811. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1812. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1813. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1814. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1815. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1816. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1817. } `xml:"line"`
  1818. Text struct {
  1819. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1820. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1821. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1822. Tspan struct {
  1823. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // E
  1824. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1825. FontFamily Family `xml:"font-family,attr"`
  1826. FontSize Size `xml:"font-size,attr"`
  1827. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1828. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1829. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1830. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1831. } `xml:"tspan"`
  1832. } `xml:"text"`
  1833. } `xml:"g"`
  1834. } `xml:"switch"`
  1835. } `xml:"g"`
  1836. Switch []struct {
  1837. Chardata Chardata `xml:",chardata"`
  1838. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1839. ObjectNS S `xml:"objectNS,attr"`
  1840. ObjectType Type `xml:"objectType,attr"`
  1841. ForeignObject struct {
  1842. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1843. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1844. Overflow Overflow `xml:"overflow,attr"`
  1845. RequiredExtensions Extensions `xml:"requiredExtensions,attr"`
  1846. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1847. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1848. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1849. FlowDef struct {
  1850. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1851. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  1852. Region struct {
  1853. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1854. Path struct {
  1855. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1856. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1857. } `xml:"path"`
  1858. } `xml:"region"`
  1859. Flow struct {
  1860. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1861. FontFamily Family `xml:"font-family,attr"`
  1862. FontSize Size `xml:"font-size,attr"`
  1863. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  1864. P struct {
  1865. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1866. Span Span `xml:"span"` // 9, 12, 6, 3, 9, 12, 6, 3
  1867. } `xml:"p"`
  1868. } `xml:"flow"`
  1869. } `xml:"flowDef"`
  1870. TargetRef struct {
  1871. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1872. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1873. } `xml:"targetRef"`
  1874. } `xml:"foreignObject"`
  1875. Text struct {
  1876. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1877. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1878. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1879. Tspan struct {
  1880. Text Text `xml:",chardata"` // 9, 12, 6, 3, 9, 12, 6, 3
  1881. FontFamily Family `xml:"font-family,attr"`
  1882. FontSize Size `xml:"font-size,attr"`
  1883. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1884. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1885. } `xml:"tspan"`
  1886. } `xml:"text"`
  1887. } `xml:"switch"`
  1888. Path []struct {
  1889. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1890. ClipRule Rule `xml:"clip-rule,attr"`
  1891. D D `xml:"d,attr"`
  1892. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1893. FillRule Rule `xml:"fill-rule,attr"`
  1894. Knockout Knockout `xml:"knockout,attr"`
  1895. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  1896. StrokeMiterlimit Miterlimit `xml:"stroke-miterlimit,attr"`
  1897. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  1898. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1899. } `xml:"path"`
  1900. LinearGradient []struct {
  1901. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1902. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  1903. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1904. X1 float32 `xml:"x1,attr"`
  1905. X2 float32 `xml:"x2,attr"`
  1906. Y1 float32 `xml:"y1,attr"`
  1907. Y2 float32 `xml:"y2,attr"`
  1908. Stop []struct {
  1909. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1910. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1911. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1912. } `xml:"stop"`
  1913. MidPointStop []struct {
  1914. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1915. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1916. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1917. } `xml:"midPointStop"`
  1918. } `xml:"linearGradient"`
  1919. RadialGradient []struct {
  1920. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1921. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1922. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1923. Fx Fx `xml:"fx,attr"`
  1924. Fy Fy `xml:"fy,attr"`
  1925. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  1926. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1927. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  1928. Stop []struct {
  1929. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1930. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1931. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1932. } `xml:"stop"`
  1933. MidPointStop []struct {
  1934. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1935. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1936. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1937. } `xml:"midPointStop"`
  1938. } `xml:"radialGradient"`
  1939. } `xml:"g"`
  1940. } `xml:"g"`
  1941. } `xml:"switch"`
  1942. RadialGradient struct {
  1943. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1944. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1945. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1946. GradientUnits Units `xml:"gradientUnits,attr"`
  1947. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1948. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  1949. Stop []struct {
  1950. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1951. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1952. Offset Offset `xml:"offset,attr"`
  1953. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1954. } `xml:"stop"`
  1955. } `xml:"radialGradient"`
  1956. Circle []struct {
  1957. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1958. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1959. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1960. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  1961. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1962. R R `xml:"r,attr"`
  1963. Class Class `xml:"class,attr"`
  1964. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  1965. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  1966. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1967. } `xml:"circle"`
  1968. Use []struct {
  1969. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1970. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1971. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  1972. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1973. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1974. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1975. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1976. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1977. } `xml:"use"`
  1978. Image struct {
  1979. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1980. Height float32 `xml:"height,attr"`
  1981. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1982. Absref Absref `xml:"absref,attr"`
  1983. Insensitive Insensitive `xml:"insensitive,attr"`
  1984. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  1985. Width float32 `xml:"width,attr"`
  1986. X float32 `xml:"x,attr"`
  1987. Href Href `xml:"href,attr"`
  1988. Y float32 `xml:"y,attr"`
  1989. } `xml:"image"`
  1990. Polygon []struct {
  1991. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  1992. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  1993. Points Points `xml:"points,attr"`
  1994. Arg1 Arg1 `xml:"arg1,attr"`
  1995. Arg2 Arg2 `xml:"arg2,attr"`
  1996. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  1997. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  1998. R1 R1 `xml:"r1,attr"`
  1999. R2 R2 `xml:"r2,attr"`
  2000. Sides Sides `xml:"sides,attr"`
  2001. Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
  2002. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  2003. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  2004. Fill Fill `xml:"fill,attr"`
  2005. FillCmyk Cmyk `xml:"fill-cmyk,attr"`
  2006. } `xml:"polygon"`
  2007. Ellipse []struct {
  2008. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2009. Cx Cx `xml:"cx,attr"`
  2010. Cy Cy `xml:"cy,attr"`
  2011. ID D `xml:"id,attr"`
  2012. Rx Rx `xml:"rx,attr"`
  2013. Ry Ry `xml:"ry,attr"`
  2014. Style Style `xml:"style,attr"`
  2015. Stroke Stroke `xml:"stroke,attr"`
  2016. StrokeWidth float32 `xml:"stroke-width,attr"`
  2017. Transform Transform `xml:"transform,attr"`
  2018. } `xml:"ellipse"`
  2019. RDF struct {
  2020. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2021. Xmlns Xmlns `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
  2022. Dc Dc `xml:"dc,attr"`
  2023. Rdf Rdf `xml:"rdf,attr"`
  2024. Work struct {
  2025. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2026. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  2027. Title Title `xml:"title"` // Kansasflag, Kansasflag
  2028. Description Description `xml:"description"` // state flag, state flag
  2029. Subject struct {
  2030. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2031. Bag struct {
  2032. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2033. Li []string `xml:"li"` // symbol, flag, usa, Kansas...
  2034. } `xml:"Bag"`
  2035. } `xml:"subject"`
  2036. Publisher struct {
  2037. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2038. Agent struct {
  2039. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2040. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  2041. Title Title `xml:"title"` // Open Clip Art Library, Op...
  2042. } `xml:"Agent"`
  2043. } `xml:"publisher"`
  2044. Creator struct {
  2045. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2046. Agent struct {
  2047. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2048. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  2049. Title Title `xml:"title"` // Dave Reckoning, Dave Reck...
  2050. } `xml:"Agent"`
  2051. } `xml:"creator"`
  2052. Rights struct {
  2053. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2054. Agent struct {
  2055. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2056. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  2057. Title Title `xml:"title"`
  2058. } `xml:"Agent"`
  2059. } `xml:"rights"`
  2060. Date Date `xml:"date"`
  2061. Format Format `xml:"format"` // image/svg+xml, image/svg+...
  2062. Type struct {
  2063. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2064. Resource Resource `xml:"resource,attr"`
  2065. } `xml:"type"`
  2066. License struct {
  2067. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2068. Resource Resource `xml:"resource,attr"`
  2069. Date Date `xml:"date"` // 59, 59
  2070. } `xml:"license"`
  2071. Language Language `xml:"language"` // en, en
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  2073. License struct {
  2074. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2075. About About `xml:"about,attr"`
  2076. Permits []struct {
  2077. Text Text `xml:",chardata"`
  2078. Resource Resource `xml:"resource,attr"`
  2079. } `xml:"permits"`
  2080. } `xml:"License"`
  2081. } `xml:"RDF"`
  2082. }