Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Beoran 357c94ebf6 Improved style system somewhat. il y a 7 ans
  Beoran c0d1a2752f Improvied gui somewhat il y a 7 ans
  Beoran fbfd24255f Fiddling with buttons and menu results. il y a 7 ans
  Beoran c6aeb37e81 Reorganize Zori GUI code and clean up a few memory leaks. il y a 7 ans
  Beoran 137271ef69 Long text implemented but not tested, moving GUI setup to ui.c but move is not complete yet. il y a 8 ans
  Beoran 6c3e27555a ZORI GUI now has the beginning of vertical menus, but the joykey focus still needs fixing.. il y a 8 ans
  Beoran 7d875c99c7 Work on GUI subsystem, move console to it's own C file. il y a 8 ans
  Beoran 06e3ed9983 Make the event handling of the console a special case. il y a 8 ans
  Beoran cf6a89836b Work on cursor display. il y a 8 ans
  Beoran b812466de2 Working on zori GUI module. il y a 8 ans
  Beoran bc3ab2a200 Divide source and include files into diretories for better oversight. il y a 8 ans