/* * Description: * Tests for the SiTree. * * Author: Beoran , (C) 2011 * * Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution * */ #include #include #include "si_test.h" #include "si_tree.h" TEST_FUNC(sitree) { char * s1 = "Hello"; char * s2 = "World"; char * s3 = "This"; char * s4 = "Is"; char * s5 = "Me"; SiTree * t1 = sitree_new(s1); SiTree * t2 = NULL; SiTree * t3 = NULL; TEST_NOTNULL(t1); TEST_NOTNULL(sitree_data(t1)); t2 = sitree_add(t1, s2); t3 = sitree_add(t2, s3); TEST_NOTNULL(t2); TEST_STREQ(sitree_data(t1), s1); TEST_NOTNULL(t3); TEST_STREQ(sitree_data(t3), s3); sitree_free(t1); TEST_DONE(); } int main(void) { TEST_INIT(); TEST_RUN(sitree); TEST_REPORT(); }