module Zori # The root widget is the single toplevel widget that holds all # other sub-widgets. class Root include Widget # There are two cursors, a mouse cursor and a keyboard/joystick one. # Non-mouse cursor graph attr_reader :cursor_graph # Non-mouse cursor image attr_reader :cursor_image # Mouse cursor graph attr_reader :mouse_graph # Mouse cursor image attr_reader :mouse_image # Non-mouse cursor currently "focusing" this widget. attr_reader :cursor_widget # Default font for the UI. attr_reader :font # Loads the common data for the Root widget. def load_common_data @font = Font.load(:font_gui, '/font/unifont.ttf', 16) @mouse_image = Bitmap.load(:mouse_cursor, '/image/gin/fountain-pen_32.png') @mouse_image.average_to_alpha(255,255,255) @mouse_graph = Graph.make_image(200, 200, @mouse_graph.z = 9999 @mouse_graph.image_flags = Eruta::FLIP_HORIZONTAL | Eruta::FLIP_VERTICAL @cursor_image = Bitmap.load(:cursor, '/image/gin/curled-leaf_32.png') @cursor_image.average_to_alpha(255,255,255) @cursor_graph = Graph.make_image(100,100, @cursor_graph.z = 10000 @cursor_graph.image_flags = Eruta::FLIP_HORIZONTAL # @cursor_graph.speed = [ rand(10) - 5, rand(10) - 5] Eruta.show_mouse_cursor = false end def initialize(params={}, &block) load_common_data @pages = {} @active = nil @cursor_widget = nil end # Creates a select mark graph for any widget def create_select_mark select_mark = Graph.make_image(100, 100, select_mark.z = 9998 select_mark.image_flags = Eruta::FLIP_HORIZONTAL return select_mark end # Unregisters a page def register(page) @pages ||= {} @pages[] = page end # Registers a page def unregister(page) @pages ||= {} @pages[] = nil end # Returns the page for the given name. def for_name(name) @pages ||= {} return @pages[name.to_sym] end # Looks up a registered page def [](name) return for_name(name) end # Returns the currently active page or nil for none. def active @active end # Returns the currently active page id or nil for none. def active_id return nil unless @active return end # Activates the named page, and passes the data if any. # Returns true on success or false if no such page is registered. def go(name, data = {}) page = self.for_name(name) return false unless page @active.on_leave(name) if @active @active = page @active.on_enter(data) return true end # Sends the event to the active page def on_event(*args) # move the mouse cursor around in all cases if args[0] == :mouse_axes x = args[2] y = args[3] @mouse_graph.position = [x, y] if @mouse_graph end return nil unless @active return @active.on_event(*args) end # Moves the keyboard cursor to a given position def move_cursor(x, y) @cursor_graph.position = x, y end # Sets the given widget as the one widget that is marked by the keyboard # cursor. def mark_widget(widget) return false unless widget.mark @cursor_widget.unmark if @cursor_widget @cursor_widget = widget move_cursor(widget.x + widget.w, widget.y) return true end # Sets the given widget as the one that is hovered by the mouse cursor. def hover_widget(widget) return false unless widget.hover @mouse_widget.unmark if @mouse_widget @mouse_widget = widget widget.mark move_cursor(widget.x + widget.w, widget.y) return true end end end