module Zori # A widget may have sub-widgets module Widget include Graphic include State # Position of the widget. attr_reader :x attr_reader :y attr_reader :z # Dimensions of the widget. attr_reader :w attr_reader :h # Style of the widget attr_reader :style # Capabilities of the widget attr_reader :can # State of the widget attr_reader :state # Parent of a widget attr_accessor :parent def initialize(params={}, &block) super(params, &block) @action = block @components = [] @x = params[:x] || 0 @y = params[:y] || 0 @w = params[:w] || 640 @h = params[:h] || 480 self.init_graph @z = params[:z] || 0 @style = Zori::Style.default.dup # deep copy the default style @can = @state = :active @parent = nil # Widget is active # @action = action end # Helper dimension, equal to x + w def left @x + @w end # Helper dimension, equal to y + h def bottom @y + @h end # Called when an event comes in from the Eruta engine. # Tries every component of this widget in order and stops if a truthy # value is returned. Finally calls handle_event on self in case # no component handles the event. def on_event(*data) return false if disabled? || hidden? if @components @components.each do | component | res = component.on_event(*data) return res if res end end res = handle_event(*data) end # The widget's own event handler will try to call a method named on_eventname def handle_event(*args) type = args.shift return false unless type method = "on_#{type}".to_sym # Try direct handler call. if self.respond_to?(method) return self.send(method, *args) else return nil end end # Adds a component to this widget # Will try to send a on_component event with def <<(component) component.parent = self @components << component self.on_event(:component, component) end # Checks if the coordinates are inside the main rectange of the widget. def inside?(x, y) return (x >= @x) && (x <= (@x + w)) && (y >= @y) && (y <= (@y + h)) end # Makes the widget fit all direct children with the given margins def fit_children(margin_x = 20, margin_y = 20) min_x, min_y, = 640, 480 # XXX get this from somewhere... max_y, max_x = 0, 0 @components.each do | child | min_x = child.x if child.x < min_x min_y = child.y if child.y < min_y max_x = child.left if child.left > max_x max_y = child.bottom if child.bottom > max_y end @x = min_x - margin_x @y = min_y - margin_y @w = max_x - min_x + margin_x * 2 @h = max_y - min_y + margin_y * 2 on_resize end # Adds a menu to this widget as a child widget def make_menu(x, y, w, h, heading, &block) menu = => x, :y => y, :w => w, :h => h, :heading => heading, &block) self << menu return menu end # Adds a button to this widget as a child widget def make_button(x, y, w, h, heading, &block) button = => x, :y => y, :w => w, :h => h, :heading => heading, &block) self << button return button end # Adds a longtext to this widget as a child widget def make_longtext(x, y, w, h, text, &block) lt = => x, :y => y, :w => w, :h => h, :text => text, &block) self << lt return lt end # Triggers the widget and call its action block def trigger return if @action return nil end end end