zori_screen.c 6.5 KB

  1. #include <allegro5/allegro_color.h>
  2. #include "zori.h"
  3. #include "zori_widget.h"
  4. #include "zori_caption.h"
  5. #include "zori_page.h"
  6. #include "zori_screen.h"
  7. struct zori_screen * zori_widget_to_screen(struct zori_widget * widget) {
  8. if (!zori_widget_is_type(widget, ZORI_WIDGET_TYPE_SCREEN)) return NULL;
  9. return ZORI_CONTAINER_OF(widget, struct zori_screen, widget);
  10. }
  11. struct zori_screen * zori_get_screen(zori_id id) {
  12. struct zori_widget * widget = zori_get_widget(id);
  13. return zori_widget_to_screen(widget);
  14. }
  15. /** Handles a mouse axis event and then pass it on to the active page. */
  16. int zori_screen_on_mouse_axes(union zori_event * event) {
  17. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_widget_to_screen(event->any.widget);
  18. screen->cursors.mouse.p.x = event->sys.ev->mouse.x;
  19. screen->cursors.mouse.p.y = event->sys.ev->mouse.y;
  20. if (screen->active_page) {
  21. return zori_widget_raise_system_event(&screen->active_page->widget,
  22. event->sys.ev);
  23. }
  24. return ZORI_HANDLE_PASS;
  25. }
  26. /** Handles a system event by passing it on to the active page. */
  27. int zori_screen_on_sysevent(union zori_event * event) {
  28. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_widget_to_screen(event->any.widget);
  29. if (screen->active_page) {
  30. return zori_widget_raise_system_event(&screen->active_page->widget,
  31. event->sys.ev);
  32. }
  33. return ZORI_HANDLE_PASS;
  34. }
  35. void zori_draw_cursor(const struct zori_cursor * cursor) {
  36. const struct zori_style * style = &cursor->style;
  37. if (cursor->bitmap) {
  38. al_draw_bitmap(cursor->bitmap, cursor->p.x, cursor->p.y, 0);
  39. } else {
  40. float x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3;
  41. x1 = cursor->p.x;
  42. y1 = cursor->p.y;
  43. x2 = x1 + 24 + 8;
  44. y2 = y1 + 24 - 8;
  45. x3 = x1 + 24 - 8;
  46. y3 = y1 + 24 + 8;
  47. al_draw_filled_triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, style->back.color);
  48. al_draw_triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, style->border.color, style->border.size);
  49. }
  50. };
  51. void zori_draw_cursors(const struct zori_cursors * cursors) {
  52. zori_draw_cursor(&cursors->keyjoy);
  53. zori_draw_cursor(&cursors->mouse);
  54. };
  55. int zori_screen_on_overdraw(union zori_event * event) {
  56. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_widget_to_screen(event->any.widget);
  57. zori_draw_cursors(&screen->cursors);
  58. return ZORI_HANDLE_PASS;
  59. }
  60. /* Handlers must beset up for many events on screen to funnel them all into
  61. * the active page. */
  62. struct zori_handler zori_screen_handlers[] = {
  63. { ZORI_SYSTEM_EVENT_KEY_DOWN , zori_screen_on_sysevent , NULL },
  64. { ZORI_SYSTEM_EVENT_KEY_UP , zori_screen_on_sysevent , NULL },
  65. { ZORI_SYSTEM_EVENT_KEY_CHAR , zori_screen_on_sysevent , NULL },
  66. { ZORI_SYSTEM_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN , zori_screen_on_sysevent , NULL },
  67. { ZORI_SYSTEM_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP , zori_screen_on_sysevent , NULL },
  68. { ZORI_SYSTEM_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES , zori_screen_on_mouse_axes , NULL },
  69. { ZORI_EVENT_OVERDRAW , zori_screen_on_overdraw , NULL },
  70. { -1, NULL, NULL }
  71. };
  72. struct zori_screen *
  73. zori_screen_init(struct zori_screen * screen, zori_display * display) {
  74. memset(&screen->cursors, 0, sizeof(screen->cursors));
  75. /* the keyjoy cursor is hidden off-screen to begin with. */
  76. screen->cursors.keyjoy.p.x = - 64;
  77. screen->cursors.keyjoy.p.y = - 64;
  78. /* Copy the styles, but set them a bit different */
  79. screen->cursors.keyjoy.style = screen->widget.style;
  80. screen->cursors.mouse.style = screen->widget.style;
  81. screen->cursors.keyjoy.target_style = screen->widget.style;
  82. screen->cursors.mouse.target_style = screen->widget.style;
  83. screen->cursors.keyjoy.style.back.color = al_map_rgb(0, 0, 255);
  84. screen->cursors.keyjoy.style.border.color = al_map_rgb(255, 255, 0);
  85. screen->cursors.keyjoy.target_style.back.color = al_map_rgb(0, 191, 0);
  86. screen->cursors.mouse.target_style.back.color = al_map_rgb(31, 191, 32);
  87. screen->display = display;
  88. screen->active_page = NULL;
  89. return screen;
  90. }
  91. struct zori_screen * zori_screen_new(zori_id id, zori_display * display) {
  92. struct zori_screen * screen = NULL; zori_rebox box;
  93. box.at.x = 0;
  94. box.at.y = 0;
  95. if (!display) return NULL;
  96. screen = calloc(1, sizeof(*screen));
  97. if (!screen) return NULL;
  98. box.size.x = al_get_display_width(display);
  99. box.size.y = al_get_display_height(display);
  100. zori_widget_initall(&screen->widget, ZORI_WIDGET_TYPE_SCREEN, id,
  101. zori_get_root_widget(), &box, NULL,
  102. ZORI_ARRAY_AND_AMOUNT(zori_screen_handlers));
  103. if (!zori_screen_init(screen, display)) {
  104. free(screen);
  105. screen = NULL;
  106. }
  107. return screen;
  108. }
  109. zori_id zori_new_screen(zori_id id, zori_display * display) {
  110. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_screen_new(id, display);
  111. if (!screen) return ZORI_ID_ENOMEM;
  112. return screen->widget.id;
  113. }
  114. zori_id zori_active_page(zori_id screen_id) {
  115. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_widget_to_screen(zori_get_widget(screen_id));
  116. if (!screen) {
  117. return ZORI_ID_EINVAL;
  118. }
  119. if (!screen->active_page) {
  120. return ZORI_ID_EINVAL;
  121. }
  122. return screen->active_page->widget.id;
  123. }
  124. zori_id zori_screen_go(zori_id screen_id, zori_id page_id, void * data) {
  125. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_widget_to_screen(zori_get_widget(screen_id));
  126. struct zori_page * page = zori_widget_to_page(zori_get_widget(page_id));
  127. if ((screen) && (page)) {
  128. screen->active_page = page;
  129. zori_widget_raise_action_event(&page->widget);
  130. return page->widget.id;
  131. } else {
  132. return ZORI_ID_EINVAL;
  133. }
  134. }
  135. struct zori_cursor * zori_cursor_set_style(struct zori_cursor * cursor,
  136. struct zori_style style) {
  137. if (!cursor) return NULL;
  138. cursor->style = style;
  139. return cursor;
  140. }
  141. struct zori_screen * zori_screen_set_keyjoy_cursor_style(struct zori_screen * screen, struct zori_style style) {
  142. if (!screen) {
  143. return NULL;
  144. }
  145. zori_cursor_set_style(&screen->cursors.keyjoy, style);
  146. return screen;
  147. }
  148. struct zori_screen * zori_screen_set_mouse_cursor_style(struct zori_screen * screen, struct zori_style style) {
  149. if (!screen) {
  150. return NULL;
  151. }
  152. zori_cursor_set_style(&screen->cursors.mouse, style);
  153. return screen;
  154. }
  155. zori_id zori_set_keyjoy_cursor_style(zori_id id, struct zori_style style) {
  156. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_get_screen(id);
  157. if (!zori_screen_set_keyjoy_cursor_style(screen, style)) {
  158. return ZORI_ID_EINVAL;
  159. }
  160. return id;
  161. }
  162. zori_id zori_set_mouse_cursor_style(zori_id id, struct zori_style style) {
  163. struct zori_screen * screen = zori_get_screen(id);
  164. if (!zori_screen_set_mouse_cursor_style(screen, style)) {
  165. return ZORI_ID_EINVAL;
  166. }
  167. return id;
  168. }