package muesli import ( "reflect" "runtime" _ "strings" "testing" ) func LexText(input string) []Token { lexer := NewLexerFromString(input) tokens := lexer.LexAll() return tokens } func Assert(test *testing.T, ok bool, text string) bool { if !ok { test.Errorf(text) } return ok } func HelperTryLexText(input string, test *testing.T) { tokens := LexText(input) for i := 0; i < len(tokens); i++ { // test.Logf("%d: %s", i, tokens[i].String()) } } func HelperLexExpect(input string, wantKind TokenKind, wantValue Value, test *testing.T) { lexer := NewLexerFromString(input) lexer.SetLogger(&testLogger{"", 0, test}) token := lexer.Lex() if (token.TokenKind == wantKind) && (token.Value == wantValue) { /* test.Logf("Token as expected %v %v", token.TokenKind, token.Value) */ } else { test.Errorf("Unexpected token kind or value: %v %v >%v< >%v<", token.TokenKind, wantKind, token.Value, wantValue) } } func HelperFunctionName(f interface{}) string { fp := reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer() info := runtime.FuncForPC(fp) if info != nil { return info.Name() } return "unknown" } func HelperLexTestSkip(input string, want rune, call func(*Lexer) error, test *testing.T) { var r rune lexer := NewLexerFromString(input) lexer.SetLogger(&testLogger{"", 0, test}) fn := HelperFunctionName(call) err := call(lexer) if err != nil { test.Errorf("Unexpected error result: %s: %v", fn, err) } r, err = lexer.Peek() if err != nil { test.Errorf("Unexpected error result on peek for %s: %v", fn, err) } if r != want { test.Errorf("Unexpected character peeked for %s: %c: %c", fn, r, want) } } func TestLexParts(test *testing.T) { HelperLexTestSkip(" abc", 'a', (*Lexer).SkipSpace, test) HelperLexTestSkip(" xyz", 'x', (*Lexer).SkipSpace, test) HelperLexTestSkip(" # \nd", 'd', (*Lexer).SkipComment, test) HelperLexTestSkip("#{}e", 'e', (*Lexer).SkipComment, test) HelperLexTestSkip("#{{}{{}}}f", 'f', (*Lexer).SkipComment, test) HelperLexTestSkip(" \tword\n", 'w', (*Lexer).SkipSpace, test) } func TestLex(test *testing.T) { HelperLexExpect("word\n", TokenKindWord, StringValue("word"), test) HelperLexExpect(":symbol\n", TokenKindSymbol, StringValue("symbol"), test) HelperLexExpect("1234\n", TokenKindInteger, IntValue(1234), test) HelperLexExpect("-3.14\n", TokenKindFloat, FloatValue(-3.14), test) HelperLexExpect(`"Hello \"world" \n`, TokenKindString, StringValue(`Hello "world`), test) HelperLexExpect("true\n", TokenKindBoolean, TrueValue, test) HelperLexExpect("false\n", TokenKindBoolean, FalseValue, test) HelperLexExpect(" \tword\n", TokenKindWord, StringValue("word"), test) /* HelperLexExpect("# comment should be ignored\ntrue\n", TokenKindBoolean, TrueValue, test) HelperLexExpect(" # comment should be ignored\ntrue\n", TokenKindBoolean, TrueValue, test) HelperLexExpect(" # comment should be ignored\n true\n", TokenKindBoolean, TrueValue, test) HelperLexExpect("#{ comment should be ignored\n this too } true\n", TokenKindBoolean, TrueValue, test) */ } func TestLexing(test *testing.T) { const input = ` greet "hi there" add 5 10 mulf -2.0 3.1415 say1 "unicode « ❤ 🂱" say2 "hello world" say3 "quote \" endquote" say4 "escape \a\b\e\f\n\r\t\"\\" say5 "numescape \xab \u2764 \U01f0b1" say_6 "hello \"world\\" :❤a_symbol❤ define open a door { set (door open) true } def increment variable by value { =variable (add variable $value) } ` // HelperTryLexText(input, test) } func TestLexDesignFile(test *testing.T) { lexer, err := NewLexerFromFilename("design_muesli.muesli") if err != nil { test.Errorf("Error parsing file : %s", err) return } if lexer == nil { test.Errorf("Error: lexer is nil.") return } defer lexer.Report() tokens := lexer.LexAll() for i := 0; i < len(tokens); i++ { test.Logf("%d: %s", i, tokens[i].String()) } }