package server import ( // "fmt" "net" "time" // "errors" // "io" "" "" "" ) /* Specific properties of a client. */ type ClientInfo struct { w int h int mtts int naws bool compress2 bool mssp bool zmp bool msp bool msdp bool mxp bool ttype bool binary bool sga bool terminals []string terminal string } type Client struct { server *Server id int conn net.Conn alive bool timeout int datachan chan []byte errchan chan error timechan chan time.Time telnet *telnet.Telnet info ClientInfo // Account of client or nil if not yet selected. account *world.Account // Character client is plaing with or nil if not yet selected. character *world.Character // Message channels that this client is listening to once fully logged in. // Not to be confused with Go channels. channels map[string]bool } func NewClient(server *Server, id int, conn net.Conn) *Client { datachan := make(chan []byte, 1024) errchan := make(chan error, 1) timechan := make(chan time.Time, 32) telnet := telnet.New() channels := make(map[string]bool) info := ClientInfo{w: -1, h: -1, terminal: "none"} return &Client{server, id, conn, true, -1, datachan, errchan, timechan, telnet, info, nil, nil, channels} } func (me *Client) Close() { me.conn.Close() me.alive = false if me.account != nil { me.server.World.RemoveAccount(me.account.Name) } me.account = nil } /** Goroutine that does the actual reading of input data, and sends it to the * needed channels. */ func (me *Client) ServeRead() { buffer := make([]byte, 1024, 1024) for me.alive { read, err := me.conn.Read(buffer) if err != nil { monolog.Log("SERVEREAD", "Error during reading data from client: %v", err) me.errchan <- err return } monolog.Log("SERVEREAD", "Read data from client: %v", buffer[:read], read) // reply will be stored in me.telnet.Events channel me.telnet.ProcessBytes(buffer[:read]) } } /* Goroutine that sends any data that must be sent through the Telnet protocol * to the connected client. */ func (me *Client) ServeWrite() { for me.alive { select { case data := <-me.telnet.ToClient: monolog.Log("SERVEWRITE", "Will send to client: %v", data) me.conn.Write(data) } } } func (me *Client) TryReadEvent(millis int) (event telnet.Event, timeout bool, close bool) { var timerchan <-chan (time.Time) if millis >= 0 { timerchan = time.Tick(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(millis)) } else { /* If time is negative, block by using a fake time channel that never gets sent anyting */ timerchan = make(<-chan (time.Time)) } select { case event := <-me.telnet.Events: return event, false, false case err := <-me.errchan: monolog.Info("Connection closed: %s\n", err) me.Close() return nil, false, true case _ = <-timerchan: return nil, true, false } } func (me *Client) HandleNAWSEvent(nawsevent *telnet.NAWSEvent) { = nawsevent.W = nawsevent.H monolog.Info("Client %d window size #{%d}x#{%d}",,, = true } func (me *Client) TryRead(millis int) (data []byte, timeout bool, done bool) { for me.alive { event, timeout, done := me.TryReadEvent(millis) if event == nil && (timeout || done) { return nil, timeout, done } switch event := event.(type) { case *telnet.DataEvent: monolog.Log("TELNETDATAEVENT", "Telnet data event %T : %d.", event, len(event.Data)) return event.Data, false, false case *telnet.NAWSEvent: monolog.Log("TELNETNAWSEVENT", "Telnet NAWS event %T.", event) me.HandleNAWSEvent(event) default: monolog.Info("Ignoring telnet event %T : %v for now.", event, event) } } return nil, false, true } func (me *Client) Serve() (err error) { // buffer := make([]byte, 1024, 1024) go me.ServeWrite() go me.ServeRead() me.SetupTelnet() if me.server.World != nil { me.Printf(me.server.World.MOTD) } if !me.AccountDialog() { time.Sleep(3) // sleep so output gets flushed, hopefully. // Also slow down brute force attacks. me.Close() return nil } if !me.CharacterDialog() { time.Sleep(3) // sleep so output gets flushed, hopefully. // Also slow down brute force attacks. me.Close() return nil } me.Printf("Welcome, %s\n", me.account.Name) for me.alive { me.HandleCommand() /* data, _, _ := me.TryRead(3000) if data == nil { // me.telnet.TelnetPrintf("Too late!\r\n") } else { me.server.Broadcast(string(data)) } */ } return nil } func (me *Client) Disconnect() { me.alive = false } func (me *Client) IsAlive() bool { return me.alive } func (me *Client) IsLoginFinished() bool { return me.IsAlive() && (me.account != nil) && (me.character != nil) } func (me *Client) SetChannel(channelname string, value bool) { me.channels[channelname] = value } func (me *Client) IsListeningToChannel(channelname string) bool { res, ok := me.channels[channelname] // All chanels are active by default, and must be actively disabled by the client. if ok && (!res) { return false } return true } func (me *Client) WriteString(str string) { me.conn.Write([]byte(str)) } /** Accessor */ func (me *Client) GetServer() *Server { return me.server } /** Accessor */ func (me *Client) GetWorld() *world.World { return me.server.World } /** Accessor */ func (me *Client) GetAccount() *world.Account { return me.account }