package telnet // import "bytes" import "io" import "strings" import "fmt" import "compress/zlib" import "" // This Telnet module implements a subset of the Telnet protocol. // Telnet states type TelnetState int const ( data_state TelnetState = iota iac_state = iota will_state = iota wont_state = iota do_state = iota dont_state = iota sb_state = iota sb_data_state = iota sb_data_iac_state = iota ) // Telnet event type constants type EventType int const ( TELNET_DATA_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_NAWS_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_TTYPE_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_SUBNEGOTIATE_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_IAC_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_COMPRESS_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_ENVIRONMENT_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_MSSP_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_ZMP_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_WILL_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_WONT_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_DO_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_DONT_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_ERROR_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_UNKNOWN_EVENT EventType = iota TELNET_NIL_EVENT EventType = iota ) // Telnet event types type Event interface { Type() EventType } type DataEvent struct { Data []byte } func (me DataEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_DATA_EVENT } type NAWSEvent struct { W int H int } func (me NAWSEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_NAWS_EVENT } type TTypeEvent struct { Telopt byte Name string } func (me TTypeEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_TTYPE_EVENT } type SubnegotiateEvent struct { Telopt byte Buffer []byte } func (me SubnegotiateEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_SUBNEGOTIATE_EVENT } type IACEvent struct { Telopt byte } func (me IACEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_IAC_EVENT } type CompressEvent struct { Compress bool } func (me CompressEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_COMPRESS_EVENT } // Storage for environment values type Environment struct { Type byte Value string } type EnvironmentEvent struct { Telopt byte Vars []Environment } func (me EnvironmentEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_ENVIRONMENT_EVENT } type MSSPEvent struct { Telopt byte Vars map[string]string } func (me MSSPEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_MSSP_EVENT } type ZMPEvent struct { Vars []string } func (me ZMPEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_ZMP_EVENT } type WillEvent struct { Telopt byte } func (me WillEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_WILL_EVENT } type WontEvent struct { Telopt byte } func (me WontEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_WONT_EVENT } type DoEvent struct { Telopt byte } func (me DoEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_DO_EVENT } type DontEvent struct { Telopt byte } func (me DontEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_DONT_EVENT } // For protocol errors. type ErrorEvent struct { error string } func (me ErrorEvent) Type() EventType { return TELNET_ERROR_EVENT } // Returns the numerical event type of an event. Useful for direct comparison. func EventTypeOf(event Event) EventType { if event == nil { return TELNET_NIL_EVENT } return event.Type() } // Returns true if the event is of the given type, or false if not func IsEventType(event Event, typ EventType) bool { return EventTypeOf(event) == typ } type EventChannel chan (Event) type Telopt struct { telopt byte us byte him byte } type Telnet struct { Events EventChannel ToClient chan ([]byte) telopts map[byte]Telopt state TelnetState compress bool zwriter zlib.Writer zreader io.ReadCloser buffer []byte sb_telopt byte } func New() (telnet *Telnet) { events := make(EventChannel, 64) toclient := make(chan ([]byte), 64) telopts := make(map[byte]Telopt) state := data_state compress := false var zwriter zlib.Writer var zreader io.ReadCloser var buffer []byte = nil sb_telopt := byte(0) telnet = &Telnet{events, toclient, telopts, state, compress, zwriter, zreader, buffer, sb_telopt} return telnet } // Starts compresssion func (me *Telnet) StartCompression() { // XXX implement compression. // var zwbuf bytes.Buffer // me.zwriter = zlib.NewWriter(&zwbuf); } // Closes the telnet connection, send last compressed data if needed. func (me *Telnet) Close() { if me.compress { me.zwriter.Close() me.zreader.Close() } } // Filters raw text, only compressing it if needed. func (me *Telnet) SendRaw(in []byte) { // XXX Handle compression here later me.ToClient <- in } // Filters text, escaping IAC bytes. func (me *Telnet) SendEscaped(in []byte) { buffer := make([]byte, len(in)*2, len(in)*2) outdex := 0 /* Double IAC characters to escape them. */ for index := 0; index < len(in); index++ { now := in[index] if now == TELNET_IAC { buffer[outdex] = TELNET_IAC outdex++ } buffer[outdex] = now outdex++ } me.SendRaw(buffer) } // Send negotiation bytes func (me *Telnet) SendNegotiate(cmd byte, telopt byte) { buffer := make([]byte, 3) buffer[0] = TELNET_IAC buffer[1] = cmd buffer[2] = telopt me.SendRaw(buffer) } func (me *Telnet) SendEvent(event Event) { me.Events <- event } // Parse a subnegotiation buffer for a naws event func (me *Telnet) SubnegotiateNAWS(buffer []byte) { // Some clients, like Gnome-Mud can't even get this right. Grrr! if buffer == nil || len(buffer) != 4 { monolog.Warning("Bad NAWS negotiation: #{buffer}") return } var w int = (int(buffer[0]) << 8) + int(buffer[1]) var h int = (int(buffer[2]) << 8) + int(buffer[3]) me.SendEvent(&NAWSEvent{w, h}) } // process an ENVIRON/NEW-ENVIRON subnegotiation buffer func (me *Telnet) SubnegotiateEnviron(buffer []byte) { var vars []Environment var cmd []byte fb := buffer[0] // First byte must be a valid command if fb != TELNET_ENVIRON_SEND && fb != TELNET_ENVIRON_IS && fb != TELNET_ENVIRON_INFO { monolog.Warning("telopt environment subneg command not valid") } cmd = append(cmd, fb) if len(buffer) == 1 { me.SendEvent(&EnvironmentEvent{fb, vars}) return } // Second byte must be VAR or USERVAR, if present sb := buffer[1] if sb != TELNET_ENVIRON_VAR && fb != TELNET_ENVIRON_USERVAR { monolog.Warning("telopt environment subneg missing variable type") return } // ensure last byte is not an escape byte (makes parsing later easier) lb := buffer[len(buffer)-1] if lb == TELNET_ENVIRON_ESC { monolog.Warning("telopt environment subneg ends with ESC") return } /* XXX : not implemented yet var variable * Environment = nil index := 1 escape := false for index := 1 ; index < len(buffer) ; index++ { c := buffer[index] switch c { case TELNET_ENVIRON_VAR: fallthrough case TELNET_ENVIRON_VALUE: fallthrough case TELNET_ENVIRON_USERVAR: if escape { escape = false variable.Value = append(variable.Value, c) } else if (variable != nil) { vars = append(vars, variable) variable = new(Environment) variable.Type = c } else { variable = new(Environment) variable.Type = c } case TELNET_ENVIRON_ESC: escape = true default: variable.Value = append(variable.Value, c) } } // Finally send event me.SendEvent(&EnvironmentEvent{fb, vars}) */ } const ( MSTATE_NONE = 0 MSTATE_VAR = 1 MSTATE_VAL = 2 ) // process an MSSP subnegotiation buffer func (me *Telnet) SubnegotiateMSSP(buffer []byte) { if len(buffer) < 1 { return } fb := buffer[0] // first byte must be a valid command if fb != TELNET_MSSP_VAR { monolog.Warning("telopt MSSP subneg data not valid") return } variables := make(map[string]string) var variable []byte var value []byte mstate := MSTATE_NONE for index := 0; index < len(buffer); index++ { c := buffer[index] switch c { case TELNET_MSSP_VAR: mstate = MSTATE_VAR if mstate == MSTATE_VAR { variables[string(variable)] = string(value) variable = nil value = nil } case TELNET_MSSP_VAL: mstate = MSTATE_VAL default: if mstate == MSTATE_VAL { variable = append(variable, c) } else { value = append(value, c) } } } me.SendEvent(&MSSPEvent{fb, variables}) } // Parse ZMP command subnegotiation buffers func (me *Telnet) SubnegotiateZMP(buffer []byte) { var vars []string var variable []byte var b byte for index := 0; index < len(buffer); index++ { b = buffer[index] if b == 0 { vars = append(vars, string(variable)) variable = nil } else { variable = append(variable, b) } } me.SendEvent(&ZMPEvent{vars}) } // parse TERMINAL-TYPE command subnegotiation buffers func (me *Telnet) SubnegotiateTType(buffer []byte) { // make sure request is not empty if len(buffer) == 0 { monolog.Warning("Incomplete TERMINAL-TYPE request") return } fb := buffer[0] if fb != TELNET_TTYPE_IS && fb != TELNET_TTYPE_SEND { monolog.Warning("TERMINAL-TYPE request has invalid type %d (%v)", fb, buffer) return } term := string(buffer[1:]) me.SendEvent(&TTypeEvent{fb, term}) } // process a subnegotiation buffer; returns true if the current buffer // must be aborted and reprocessed due to COMPRESS2 being activated func (me *Telnet) DoSubnegotiate(buffer []byte) bool { switch me.sb_telopt { case TELNET_TELOPT_COMPRESS2: // received COMPRESS2 begin marker, setup our zlib box and // start handling the compressed stream if it's not already. me.compress = true me.SendEvent(&CompressEvent{me.compress}) return true // specially handled subnegotiation telopt types case TELNET_TELOPT_TTYPE: me.SubnegotiateTType(buffer) case TELNET_TELOPT_ENVIRON: me.SubnegotiateEnviron(buffer) case TELNET_TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON: me.SubnegotiateEnviron(buffer) case TELNET_TELOPT_MSSP: me.SubnegotiateMSSP(buffer) case TELNET_TELOPT_NAWS: me.SubnegotiateNAWS(buffer) case TELNET_TELOPT_ZMP: me.SubnegotiateZMP(buffer) default: // Send catch all subnegotiation event me.SendEvent(&SubnegotiateEvent{me.sb_telopt, buffer}) } return false } func (me *Telnet) DoNegotiate(state TelnetState, telopt byte) bool { switch me.state { case will_state: me.SendEvent(&WillEvent{telopt}) case wont_state: me.SendEvent(&WontEvent{telopt}) case do_state: me.SendEvent(&DoEvent{telopt}) case dont_state: me.SendEvent(&DontEvent{telopt}) default: monolog.Warning("State not vvalid in telnet negotiation.") } me.state = data_state return false } // Send the current buffer as a DataEvent if it's not empty // Also empties the buffer if it wasn't emmpty func (me *Telnet) maybeSendDataEventAndEmptyBuffer() { if (me.buffer != nil) && (len(me.buffer) > 0) { me.SendEvent(&DataEvent{me.buffer}) me.buffer = nil } } // Append a byte to the data buffer func (me *Telnet) appendByte(bin byte) { monolog.Log("TELNET", "Appending to telnet buffer: %d %d", len(me.buffer), cap(me.buffer)) me.buffer = append(me.buffer, bin) } // Process a byte in the data state func (me *Telnet) dataStateProcessByte(bin byte) bool { if bin == TELNET_IAC { // receive buffered bytes as data and go to IAC state if it's notempty me.maybeSendDataEventAndEmptyBuffer() me.state = iac_state } else { me.appendByte(bin) } return false } // Process a byte in the IAC state func (me *Telnet) iacStateProcessByte(bin byte) bool { switch bin { // subnegotiation case TELNET_SB: me.state = sb_state // negotiation commands case TELNET_WILL: me.state = will_state case TELNET_WONT: me.state = wont_state case TELNET_DO: me.state = do_state case TELNET_DONT: me.state = dont_state // IAC escaping case TELNET_IAC: me.appendByte(TELNET_IAC) me.maybeSendDataEventAndEmptyBuffer() me.state = data_state // some other command default: me.SendEvent(IACEvent{bin}) me.state = data_state } return false } // Process a byte in the subnegotiation data state func (me *Telnet) sbdataStateProcessByte(bin byte) bool { // IAC command in subnegotiation -- either IAC SE or IAC IAC if bin == TELNET_IAC { me.state = sb_data_iac_state } else if me.sb_telopt == TELNET_TELOPT_COMPRESS && bin == TELNET_WILL { // MCCPv1 defined an invalid subnegotiation sequence (IAC SB 85 WILL SE) // to start compression. Catch and discard this case, only support // MMCPv2. me.state = data_state } else { me.appendByte(bin) } return false } // Process a byte in the IAC received when processing subnegotiation data state func (me *Telnet) sbdataiacStateProcessByte(bin byte) bool { switch bin { //end subnegotiation case TELNET_SE: me.state = data_state // process subnegotiation compress := me.DoSubnegotiate(me.buffer) // if compression was negotiated, the rest of the stream is compressed // and processing it requires decompressing it. Return true to signal // this. me.buffer = nil if compress { return true } // escaped IAC byte case TELNET_IAC: // push IAC into buffer me.appendByte(bin) me.state = sb_data_state // something else -- protocol error. attempt to process // content in subnegotiation buffer, then evaluate the // given command as an IAC code. default: monolog.Warning("Unexpected byte after IAC inside SB: %d", bin) me.state = iac_state // subnegotiate with the buffer anyway, even though it's an error compress := me.DoSubnegotiate(me.buffer) // if compression was negotiated, the rest of the stream is compressed // and processing it requires decompressing it. Return true to signal // this. me.buffer = nil if compress { return true } } return false } // Process a single byte received from the client func (me *Telnet) ProcessByte(bin byte) bool { monolog.Log("TELNET", "ProcessByte %d %d", bin, me.state) switch me.state { // regular data case data_state: return me.dataStateProcessByte(bin) // IAC received before case iac_state: return me.iacStateProcessByte(bin) case will_state, wont_state, do_state, dont_state: return me.DoNegotiate(me.state, bin) // subnegotiation started, determine option to subnegotiate case sb_state: me.sb_telopt = bin me.state = sb_data_state // subnegotiation data, buffer bytes until the end request case sb_data_state: return me.sbdataStateProcessByte(bin) // IAC received inside a subnegotiation case sb_data_iac_state: return me.sbdataiacStateProcessByte(bin) default: // programing error, shouldn't happen panic("Error in telnet state machine!") } // return false to signal compression needn't start return false } // Process multiple bytes received from the client func (me *Telnet) ProcessBytes(bytes []byte) { for index := 0; index < len(bytes); { bin := bytes[index] compress := me.ProcessByte(bin) if compress { // paper over this for a while... // new_bytes = Zlib.inflate(arr.pack('c*')) rescue nil // if new_bytes //arr = new_bytes.bytes.to_a } index++ } me.maybeSendDataEventAndEmptyBuffer() } // Call this when the server receives data from the client func (me *Telnet) TelnetReceive(data []byte) { // the COMPRESS2 protocol seems to be half-duplex in that only // the server's data stream is compressed (unless maybe if the client // is asked to also compress with a DO command ?) me.ProcessBytes(data) } // Send a bytes array (raw) to the client func (me *Telnet) TelnetSendBytes(bytes ...byte) { me.SendRaw(bytes) } // Send an iac command func (me *Telnet) TelnetSendIac(cmd byte) { me.TelnetSendBytes(TELNET_IAC, cmd) } // Send negotiation. Currently rfc1143 is not implemented, so beware of // server client loops. The simplest way to avoid those is to never answer any // client requests, only send server requests. func (me *Telnet) TelnetSendNegotiate(cmd byte, telopt byte) { me.TelnetSendBytes(TELNET_IAC, cmd, telopt) } // Send non-command data (escapes IAC bytes) func (me *Telnet) TelnetSend(buffer []byte) { me.SendEscaped(buffer) } // send subnegotiation header func (me *Telnet) TelnetBeginSubnegotiation(telopt byte) { me.TelnetSendBytes(TELNET_IAC, TELNET_SB, telopt) } // send subnegotiation ending func (me *Telnet) TelnetEndSubnegotiation() { me.TelnetSendBytes(TELNET_IAC, TELNET_SE) } // Send complete subnegotiation func (me *Telnet) TelnetSubnegotiation(telopt byte, buffer []byte) { me.TelnetBeginSubnegotiation(telopt) if buffer != nil { me.TelnetSend(buffer) } me.TelnetEndSubnegotiation() } // Ask client to start accepting compress2 compression func (me *Telnet) TelnetBeginCompress2() { me.TelnetSendBytes(TELNET_IAC, TELNET_SB, TELNET_TELOPT_COMPRESS2, TELNET_IAC, TELNET_SE) me.compress = true } // Send formatted data to the client func (me *Telnet) TelnetRawPrintf(format string, args ...interface{}) { buf := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) me.TelnetSend([]byte(buf)) } const CRLF = "\r\n" const CRNUL = "\r\000" // send formatted data with \r and \n translation in addition to IAC IAC // escaping func (me *Telnet) TelnetPrintf(format string, args ...interface{}) { buf := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) buf = strings.Replace(buf, "\r", CRNUL, -1) buf = strings.Replace(buf, "\n", CRLF, -1) me.TelnetSend([]byte(buf)) } // NEW-ENVIRON subnegotation func (me *Telnet) TelnetNewenviron(cmd []byte) { me.TelnetSubnegotiation(TELNET_TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON, cmd) } // send TERMINAL-TYPE SEND command func (me *Telnet) TelnetTTypeSend() { me.TelnetSendBytes(TELNET_IAC, TELNET_SB, TELNET_TELOPT_TTYPE, TELNET_TTYPE_SEND, TELNET_IAC, TELNET_SE) } // send TERMINAL-TYPE IS command func (me *Telnet) TelnetTTypeIS(ttype string) { me.TelnetSendBytes(TELNET_IAC, TELNET_SB, TELNET_TELOPT_TTYPE, TELNET_TTYPE_IS) me.TelnetSend([]byte(ttype)) } // send MSSP data func (me *Telnet) TelnetSendMSSP(mssp map[string]string) { var buf []byte for key, val := range mssp { buf = append(buf, TELNET_MSSP_VAR) buf = append(buf, key...) buf = append(buf, TELNET_MSSP_VAL) buf = append(buf, val...) } me.TelnetSubnegotiation(TELNET_TELOPT_MSSP, buf) }