require 'socket' require 'fiber' require 'timeout' require 'time' require_relative '../monolog' module Woe class Server include Socket::Constants include Monolog def initialize(port = 7000, host='') @port = port @host = host @timers = {} @reading = [] @writing = [] @clients = {} @client_id = 0 # Used for MSSP @mssp = { "NAME" => "Workers Of Eruta", "UPTIME" =>, "PLAYERS" => "0", "CRAWL DELAY" => "0", "CODEBASE" => "WOE", "CONTACT" => "", "CREATED" => "2015", "ICON" => "None", "LANGUAGE" => "English", "LOCATION" => "USA", "MINIMUM AGE" => "18", "WEBSITE" => "", "FAMILY" => "Custom", "GENRE" => "Science Fiction", "GAMEPLAY" => "Adventure", "STATUS" => "Alpha", "GAMESYSTEM" => "Custom", "INTERMUD" => "", "SUBGENRE" => "None", "AREAS" => "0", "HELPFILES" => "0", "MOBILES" => "0", "OBJECTS" => "0", "ROOMS" => "1", "CLASSES" => "0", "LEVELS" => "0", "RACES" => "3", "SKILLS" => "900", "ANSI" => "1", "MCCP" => "1", "MCP" => "0", "MSDP" => "0", "MSP" => "0", "MXP" => "0", "PUEBLO" => "0", "UTF-8" => "1", "VT100" => "1", "XTERM 255 COLORS" => "1", "PAY TO PLAY" => "0", "PAY FOR PERKS" => "0", "HIRING BUILDERS" => "0", "HIRING CODERS" => "0" } end # Returns the MSSP data def mssp @mssp["PLAYERS"] = @clients.size.to_s return @mssp end # Look for a free numeric client ID in the client hash. def get_free_client_id cli = 0 @clients.each do |client| return cli if client.nil? cli += 1 end return cli end def run log_info("Starting server on #{@host} #{@port}.") @server =, @port) @reading << @server serve end def add_client socket = @server.accept_nonblock @reading << socket client_id = get_free_client_id client =, client_id, socket) @clients[client_id] = client client.command(:start, nil) puts "Client #{} connected on #{socket}." return client end def broadcast(message) @clients.each_pair do | id, client | client.write(message + "\r\n") end end def add_timer(id, delta = 1) now = stop = now + delta @timers[id.to_sym] = stop end # Nodify timers that expired def handle_disconnected # Kick out clients that disconnected. disconnected = @clients.reject { |id, cl| cl.alive? } disconnected.each do |id, cl| rsock = @clients.delete(id) @reading.delete(rsock) cl.close end end # Handle timers def handle_timers now = expired = { |k, t| t < now } expired.each do |k, t| broadcast("Timer #{k} expired: #{t}, #{now}.\n\r") @timers.delete(k) end end def client_for_socket(sock) @clients.each do |k, c| return c if == sock end return nil end # Notify clients that have a read timeout set def handle_timeouts now = @clients.each do |id, cl| if cl.timeout? cl.command(:timeout, nil) end end end def serve @busy = true while @busy handle_disconnected handle_timers handle_timeouts readable, writable =, @writing, nil, 0.1) if readable readable.each do | rsock | if rsock == @server add_client # Kick out clients with broken connections. elsif rsock.eof? cli = client_for_socket(rsock) @clients.delete( @reading.delete(rsock) cli.close else # Tell the client to get their read on. client = client_for_socket(rsock) if client text = client.command(:read, nil) end end end end end end def = 7000, host = '', logname = 'woe.log') Monolog.setup_all(logname) server =, host) Monolog.close end end # class Server end # module Woe