require 'atto' include Atto::Test require_relative '../../lib/woe/client' require_relative '../../lib/woe/server' assert { Woe::Server } # Fork off the server so the Net::Telnet tests can procede pid = Process.fork do sleep # exit here to ge puts __FILE__ + ' Server Done' exit 0 end p pid assert { pid } require 'net/telnet' assert do sleep 1 client ='Host' => 'localhost', 'Port' => 7000, 'Timeout' => 3) res = client.waitfor(/Login:/) client.write("Axl\n") client.waitfor(/.*/) client.write("pass\n") client.waitfor(/.*/) client.write("hello\n") client.waitfor(/.*/) client.write("/quit\n") client.waitfor(/.*/) client.close ok = !!client ok end # Finally stop the server and wait for it to finish Process.kill(:TERM, pid) Process.wait(pid) puts __FILE__ + ' Tests Done'