package sitef import "os" import "io" import "strings" import "fmt" import "bytes" import "bufio" import "strconv" // Sitef format for serialization // Sitef is a simple text format for serializing data to // It's intent is to be human readable and easy to // use for multi line text. // It is quite similar to recfiles, though not compatible because // in sitef files the first character on the line determines the meaning, // and there is no backslash escaping. // // Sitef is a line based syntax where the first character on the line // determines the meaning of the line. // Several lines together form a record. // A line that starts with # is a comment. There may be no whitespace // in front of the comment. // A newline character by itself (that is, an empty line), // or a - ends a record. // A plus character, an escape on the previous line or a tab or // a space continues a value. // A Continues value gets a newline inserted only when a space or tab was used. // + supresses the newline. // Anything else signifies the beginning of the next key. // % is allowed for special keys for recfile compatibility. // However % directives are not implemented. // Keys may not be nested, however, you could use spaces or dots, // or array indexes to emulate nexted keys. // A # at the start optionally after whitespace is a comment // type Record map[string]string func (me * Record) Put(key string, val string) { (*me)[key] = val } func (me * Record) Putf(key string, format string, values ...interface{}) { me.Put(key, fmt.Sprintf(format, values...)) } func (me * Record) PutArray(key string, values []string) { for i, value := range values { realkey := fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", key, i) me.Put(realkey, value) } } func (me * Record) PutInt(key string, val int) { me.Putf(key, "%d", val) } func (me * Record) PutFloat64(key string, val float64) { me.Putf(key, "%lf", val) } func (me Record) Get(key string) (result string) { return me[key] } func (me Record) Getf(key string, format string, values ...interface{}) (amount int, ok bool) { val := me.Get(key) count, err := fmt.Sscanf(val, format, values...) if err != nil { return 0, false } return count, true } func (me Record) GetInt(key string) (val int, err error) { i, err := strconv.ParseInt(me.Get(key), 0, 0) return int(i), err } func (me Record) GetIntDefault(key string, def int) (val int) { i, err := strconv.ParseInt(me.Get(key), 0, 0) if err != nil { return def; } return int(i); } func (me Record) GetFloat(key string) (val float64, error error) { return strconv.ParseFloat(me.Get(key), 64) } type Error struct { error string lineno int } func (me Error) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", me.Lineno, me.error) } func (me Error) Lineno() int { return me.lineno } type ParserState int const ( PARSER_STATE_INIT ParserState = iota PARSER_STATE_KEY PARSER_STATE_VALUE ) type RecordList []Record func ParseReader(read io.Reader) (RecordList, error) { var records RecordList var record Record = make(Record) var err Error lineno := 0 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(read) var key bytes.Buffer var value bytes.Buffer for scanner.Scan() { lineno++ line := scanner.Text() // End of record? if (len(line) < 1) || line[0] == '-' { // save the record and make a new one records = append(records, record) record = make(Record) // comment? } else if line[0] == '#' { continue; // continue value? } else if line[0] == '\t' || line[0] == ' '|| line[0] == '+' { /* Add a newline unless + is used */ if (line[0] != '+') { value.WriteRune('\n') } // continue the value, skipping the first character value.WriteString(line[1:]) // new key } else if strings.ContainsRune(line, ':') { // save the previous key/value pair if needed if len(key.String()) > 0 { record[key.String()] = value.String() } key.Reset() value.Reset() parts := strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2) key.WriteString(parts[0]) if len(parts) > 1 { value.WriteString(parts[1]) } // Not a key. Be lenient and assume this is a continued value. } else { value.WriteString(line) } } // Append last record if needed. if len(key.String()) > 0 { record[key.String()] = value.String() } if (len(record) > 0) { records = append(records, record) } if serr := scanner.Err(); serr != nil { err.lineno = lineno err.error = serr.Error() return records, err } return records, nil } func ParseFilename(filename string) (RecordList, error) { file, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer file.Close() return ParseReader(file) } func WriteField(writer io.Writer, key string, value string) { replacer := strings.NewReplacer("\n", "\n\t") writer.Write([]byte(key)) writer.Write([]byte{':'}) writer.Write([]byte(replacer.Replace(value))) writer.Write([]byte{'\n'}) } func WriteRecord(writer io.Writer, record Record) { for key, value := range record { WriteField(writer, key, value); } writer.Write([]byte{'-', '-', '-', '-', '\n'}) } func WriteRecordList(writer io.Writer, records RecordList) { for _, record := range records { WriteRecord(writer, record); } } func SaveRecord(filename string, record Record) (error) { file, err := os.Create(filename) if err != nil { return err } defer file.Close() WriteRecord(file, record) return nil } func SaveRecordList(filename string, records RecordList) (error) { file, err := os.Create(filename) if err != nil { return err } defer file.Close() WriteRecordList(file, records) return nil } /* func ParseFile(file) lineno = 0 results = [] errors = [] record = {} key = nil value = nil until file.eof? lineno += 1 line = file.gets(256) break if line.nil? next if line.empty? // new record if line[0,2] == '--' // Store last key used if any. if key record[key] = value.chomp key = nil end results << record record = {} elsif line[0] == '//' // Comments start with // elsif line[0] == ':' // a key/value pair key, value = line[1,line.size].split(':', 2) record[key] = value.chomp key = value = nil elsif line[0, 2] == '..' // end of multiline value record[key] = value.chomp key = value = nil elsif (line[0] == '.') && key.nil? // Multiline key/value starts here (but is ignored // until .. is encountered) key = line[1, line.size] key.chomp! value = "" // multiline value elsif key if line[0] == '\\' // remove any escapes line.slice!(0) end // continue the value value << line else // Not in a key, sntax error. errors << "//{lineno}: Don't know how to process line" end end // Store last key used if any. if key record[key] = value.chomp end // store last record results << record unless record.empty? return results, errors end func load_filename(filename) results, errors = nil, nil, nil; file =, 'rt') rescue nil return nil, ["Could not open //{filename}"] unless file begin results, errors = parse_file(file) ensure file.close end return results, errors end // Loads a Sitef fileas obejcts. Uses the ruby_klass atribute to load the object // If that is missing, uses defklass func load_objects(filename, defklass=nil) results, errors = load_filename(filename) p filename, results, errors unless errors.nil? || errors.empty? return nil, errors end objres = [] results.each do | result | klassname = result['ruby_class'] || defklass return nil unless klassname klass = klassname.split('::').inject(Kernel) { |klass, name| klass.const_get(name) rescue nil } return nil unless klass if klass.respond_to? :from_sitef objres << klass.from_sitef(result) else objres << end end return objres, errors end // Saves a single field to a file in Sitef format. func save_field(file, key, value) if value.is_a? String sval = value.dup else sval = value.to_s end if sval["\n"] file.puts(".//{key}\n") // Escape everything that could be misinterpreted with a \\ sval.gsub!(/\n([\.\-\:\//\\]+)/, "\n\\\\\\1") sval.gsub!(/\A([\.\-\:\//\\]+)/, "\\\\\\1") file.printf("%s", sval) file.printf("\n..\n") else file.printf("://{key}://{sval}\n") end end func save_object(file, object, *fields) save_field(file, :ruby_class, object.class.to_s) fields.each do | field | value = object.send(field.to_sym) save_field(file, field, value) end end func save_record(file, record, *fields) record.each do | key, value | next if fields && !fields.empty? && !fields.member?(key) save_field(file, key, value) end end func save_file(file, records, *fields) records.each do | record | if record.is_a? Hash save_record(file, record, *fields) else save_object(file, record, *fields) end file.puts("--\n") end end func save_filename(filename, records, *fields) results , errors = nil, nil file =, 'wt') return false, ["Could not open //{filename}"] unless file begin save_file(file, records, *fields) ensure file.close end return true, [] end end */